Author Topic: Would like input by those with hands on experience... P-06 recoil  (Read 4110 times)

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Re: Would like input by those with hands on experience... P-06 recoil
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2016, 07:05:43 PM »
I haven't had issues with it so far, it's just a little rifle cartridge.

Ive been loading 135s for the P-06 with very good accuracy, don't have a chrony but they feel like they are cooking with some stout loads of power pistol.

The alloy frame doesn't make the P-06 much lighter than my 75c. They both carry nicely.

Offline rhart

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Re: Would like input by those with hands on experience... P-06 recoil
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2016, 03:09:56 PM »
I've got a steel framed railed compact .40. I'd like to put a 9mm slide on it. Anyone done this?
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Offline ZardozCZ

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Re: Would like input by those with hands on experience... P-06 recoil
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2016, 08:43:14 PM »
It's been a while, but here's my take. The Glock G27 was my first 40. The totally wrong grip angle for me, made it difficult to shoot well, and put my wrist bones in such an unnatural position that it was actually painful to shoot more than a mag or two. The trigger is deplorably grungy gritty and gravelly, and makes me wonder why anyone would like Glocks, but that may be just my sample. I've never wanted to shoot another.

My second 40 is a P-06 (second CZ after a CZ75B in stainless) and I put in CGW hammer, SRS, and lighter hammer spring. OMG! What a wonderful shooter it is for me. I was disappointed to have only brought one box, so bought a second from the range and their price was my only pain that day. It's a natural point of aim for me (like all CZs I've shot) and fast back on target for multi-taps. I've run over 500 rounds now and enjoy it every time it goes to the range with me. I've bought and sold a PCR, and am looking to do the same mods to a P-01 some day, hoping it will equal the 40 in enjoyably good shooting. So yes, it does have a stronger punch, but the ergos are right for me so the recoil is not a problem in 100 rounds and fast times back on target.

I bought and sold a Beretta 96 thinking I'd like it and find it more accurate with longer site radius, but I just didn't get along with it. The P-06 is very trusted and has earned a position for HD in my life. It's weight made the recoil lighter, but accuracy and follow up time suffered. Beretta isn't for me, but it's nicely made.

I hope this gives you some comparisons, if you have a shot at a P-06, give it a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed. If it's not for you someone will take it off your hands pretty quickly, they don't seem to be highly available.

Happy shooting!
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Re: Would like input by those with hands on experience... P-06 recoil
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2016, 07:48:44 PM »
the very first centerfire handgun I bought, a CZPO6 used, price was incredibly low, I bought it on a whim after hearing / reviewing lots of good reviews on CZ.

my luck held,  that gun is incredibly accurate! and to answer your question, FOR ME, easy shooter, recoil is quite mild. TO ME,  that being said, I recently purchased a very high quality CZ Compact 75 in 9mm:  so,

personally, I FIND, very little difference in felt recoil b/t the two. Really.  and yes, using standard 40g ammo, both SD and practice, Please remember, every person is different in terms of recoil perception, BUT, I find it more about 'how' the gun fits the hand.. which is why the CZ ergo's really really really are hard to beat.

I have put in a CGW hammer and few springs.. however,  that was LONG after shooting this gun a lot!  totally reliable.  I suspect the reason I bought it so low, it came w/ two magazines..  the previous owner was using a 9mm magazine which was unreliable.  Easy fix. No issue's since. and it is shot a LOT, by many!  and not cleaned as regularly as it should. 

My son, once owned this gun from me, ( a moments stupidity on my part/ and quickly purchased back), that being said,  it was his carry gun, loved it..  I bought him a Ruger SR9 Compact... he still wants this CZ back, bad!  it is quick to hand, great fit in hand, points and shoots to point of aim w/ no altered grip, or extra work to check, move, check, etc.. like some guns I shoot great w/ lots of 'get' my hand fitted right during long aimed fire..

not so with my PO6,  I have also owned shot the 75b in .40,   the PO6 easily shoots as well as that, recoil difference I really cant sense.

so, anyways, with my CZ's,   on a similar shape, similar size handgun, the compact slightly heavier on empty frame,  my take away is ... give me either!  no real difference that would make a hill of beans difference in accuracy, reliability or felt recoil. 

my .02c
K in MI

Offline rhart

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Re: Would like input by those with hands on experience... P-06 recoil
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2016, 02:29:37 PM »
My 40 caliber compact shoots softer than my 40 SIG 226 or my Browning HI-Power in 40.
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