Like many readers, I've fallen in Lust with the PO1. They're not always available and shipments go fast. If you don't set aside the cash, you'll never get one by the time you scrape the dough together.
I keep hearing one line repeatedly from those who settle for the 75 compact instead of the PO1. "I got the Compact because it's the same gun!" And, another that CZ seems to using, "They are the same gun but go by different names in some countries. We interchange them if there is a glut of one in the market."
Isn't this a bit less than honest? There is a 4 or 6 oz difference in the model, is my biggest difference. There maybe other differences too that I am currently unaware of. Does anyone know the all of the differences?
The difference in weight is a huge factor for an old man that needs suspenders! Those of us with no apparent waist line have enough trouble keeping our drawers up as it is. Pull your gun, and trousers head for the pavement!
What are all differences and why doesn't CZ make enough of the PO1's to meet the demand? I've never seen a shortage of Compacts.