Author Topic: Any ideas on what went wrong  (Read 3324 times)

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Offline mfer

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Re: Any ideas on what went wrong
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2016, 05:04:07 PM »

if I may offer a little bit more..  sounds like you get 'anxious' about the recoil/trigger pull event/recoil event!  my additional support is this: learn to have 'fun' w/ it...   begin in your mind... ' I like it... when I shoot"" " I like the recoil, it makes feel alive",   you will be VERY surprised over time to learn to 'have fun' w/ will change your your whole shooting 'perception'' and 'expierience'.  REALLY.   and I would encourage you to practice VERY SLOWLY.. meaning.. focus on sight picture and THEN squeeze trigger gently.. the trigger break should be more of a 'surprise event' , rather than 'on sight, jerk! bang, !@## where did the bullet go, !@##.. not where I wanted".    It should be 'wow' didnt' see that coming, but WAY COOL, I  HIT EXCATLY WHERE I WAS AIMINGS!, omg so cool".     kinda thing. really.

I won last years freebie ' pay ' 5 bucks, for Easter Target give aways...  that way.    hanging easter egg at 15yrds.. you get 5 shots to break it..    I broke egg on first shot.. they gave me another egg cuz I had four more shots.. hit it again on 4 rnd..      hopefully, youget to understand.. IT IS FUN!!!! TO SHOOT!!!  the more 'fun' you have.. the more relaxed you are BUT concentrated! the better it will work out. 

respectfully, K in MI

I'm liking your idea.  I'm going to give it a shot for sure.  Thanks for posting this.

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Re: Any ideas on what went wrong
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2016, 05:06:21 PM »
mfer, handgun2 has given you an interesting perspective that I fully concur with.  In the long run, the new parts will allow you to shoot the gun more accurately.  In the short run, there is a lot of adjusting to do and also just skills to develop.  Take you time and have fun with it. 

Another idea that has helped me when I changed something on a pistol, or when I was just struggling, is to shoot at a blank target, roughly letter page size, at 10-15 yards or so.  You will be surprised at how small a group you can shoot when you don't have something specific to aim at.  You just center the sights roughly in the middle of the sheet and carefullly pull the trigger without changing the tension in your grip, and let the hits fall where they may.  Don't worry about where the holes are, just learn to pull the trigger very slowly to the rear after taking out all of the slack and engaging the sear.  To me, this is a great way to help you "feel" the trigger and learn to manipulate it without moving the gun. 

That's it. You have plenty of good advice for now.  Go have some fun, and don't worry about the holes, think about the trigger movement.


Something else I thought about now that you mentioned the blank target.  The prior time I shot, it was at a nice facility far from my work/home.  They have awesome lighting.  This place I shot at by work has less than stellar lighting.  I did recall thinking it was hard to see my sight on the black target.  Maybe I need a lighter target there or just a paper plate!  Thanks for the thought.

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Re: Any ideas on what went wrong
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2016, 05:07:11 PM »
I've had a CZCustom 75 Shadow that had a very light trigger and a really short reset.
At first I was not consistent because I wasn't able to prestage the trigger between targets without an occasional bang a little too soon.  I got used to trigger and put about 20k rds through it before I had some parts wear.

I decided to replace action parts to end up with a short reach trigger  with a slightly  heavier pull.  I also had the new CGW bbl bushing put in.  My shooting speed AND accuracy fell off. 😕

I KNEW I should be shooting  better,  but just couldn't get myself into the new routine.
I dry fired the snot out of  it and went to the practice range twice before I finally got back into feeling comfortable pulling the trigger.  I' m now happy I made the changes.  I'm shooting better and more consistently with the new trigger set-up along with some new LOK grips.

  Like JoeL always says,  It's the shooter, not the pistol.

Giving me hope that I'm not alone.  Thanks!

Offline mfer

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Re: Any ideas on what went wrong
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2016, 10:26:11 PM »
I embraced the recoil.
I focused on the front sight heavily.
It did take me 50 rounds to settle in.

I did a magazine of semi rapid fire that helped.

Then, I really focused and shot well.

Here are 5 shots are 9 yards.  The low left was my DA, rest were SA.

I'm calling David on Monday to order the pro package for my SP-01!

 ;D ;D ;D

Thanks for all he advice here!
« Last Edit: October 29, 2016, 10:33:52 PM by mfer »

Offline Rmach

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Re: Any ideas on what went wrong
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2016, 10:36:08 PM »

Offline Joe L

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Re: Any ideas on what went wrong
« Reply #20 on: October 30, 2016, 07:18:45 AM »
I believe you have adjusted to the new parts!  Outstanding. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline Tok36

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Re: Any ideas on what went wrong
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2016, 07:20:56 PM »
Nice shooting. Thank you for the pic.
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)