Yesterday i installed a Dawson FO sight on the front. It solved one problem I had that I went and spent $4K to fix and failed. I'll explain.
I have worn contact lenses or glasses my entire life it seems. My vision was bad without them but okay corrected. Bad as in 8.5+ correction bad. When I would aim a gun into a bright foreground all I could see was the outline of the sights. My 2 other CZ and Glock 19 have a night sight on the front, when I would aim any of those into a darker foreground the site was bright and easy to see. I discovered about 10 years ago i have congenital cataracs, both eyes. I had been complaining about glare for all that time. Last spring I had the cataracs removed and a toric lense implant put in at the same time taking my vision from a 8.5+ to a .25, cost me about $4K. I had the same problem when looking/aiming into normal light, could only see the outline of the sights. So the surgery did not correct that problem.
After putting on the FO sight, it does not matter if I am pointing into bright or subdued light, the red dot of the FO lights up bright as can be.
Also ordered some Talon stick on grips, I'll see how those work out, i like a bit more grip than what is offered with a polymer pistol.