Half of this post is from one I placed on SigTalk two days ago about this very subject. The only difference is that the OP there was most concerned about everyday carry and whether or not he should continue down the striker fired path, particularly with the P320. For perspective as to my experience: I am a factory certified Armorer for Sig Sauer P320s, Sig Classic DA/SA pistols and Glock pistols. I work on my own CZs. I have had three P320s (two full size and one subcompact), five Glock's and many DA/SA Sigs; with respect to CZ, I currently have a P-09 and a SP-01.
There is a fair amount of detail to follow. I hope those interested in it find it helpful. For those who want the bottom line and skip the details: the P320 has notably superior ergonomics for me (in terms of fit with my hand and natural point of aim) but the DA/SA trigger ultimately wins for me so I've gone back to it via P-09, SP-01, P226 and P229 and sold my P320. I have yet to find a CZ with as good a trigger as a precisely tuned Sig with SRT, but I am still working on mine. In reality, I really really like and enjoy a Sig with an excellent SRT (I personally think it is the best) BUT I shoot my CZs as well and they cost a notable amount less. And they have very good triggers - smooth, gradual, good reset and the release point does not build in a wall like the P320 does. That right there is what ultimately made me turn away from the P320 and back to DA/SA with my P-09, SP-01, P226 and P229.
Details and more details
The ergonomics of the P320, Sig Enhanced Elites and CZ SP-01 are THE best for me. Absolutely designed for my hand. The P-09 ergonomics are good, but not in the same league with the aforementioned three pistols. Why? I find my natural hold to be high with the P-09. I have to roll my wrist down slightly to compensate - not as much as a Glock, but it's there. Other than that, the P-09 is very very good.
I have come full circle - started DA/SA, then went striker and have come back to DA/SA (with one exception noted below). Why? The SA tigger action is superior to the striker and I practice my P-09 and SP-01 DA in dry fire every other night shooting bad guys on TV. Also, the smoothness of DA is critical to me - a long pull works fine, however, it must be smooth (without grit and sticky spots). It's weird but I can now see less sight movement with a DA pull at times than I do with a SA pull. Overall, I am more accurate with SA but I have hit the bull in DA. Practice...
So, the logic of striker being easier to train for general combat accuracy is something I understand - people don't have to do dry fire drills (like I do). I did not do them for a long time, that's why I started to switch to striker. I shot my P320 back to back with my P226 over and over trying to decide which way to go. At that time, I chose the P320 and striker fire (I sold my P226) because the trigger pull was exactly the same every time. That was until I started doing dry fire drills in DA/SA with my CZs and saw a lot of improvement in my shooting - that's when I decided to go DA/SA. I got the performance I desire out of that action by doing drills. I do them because I find it a challenge to be proficient in both modes. Side benefit = I find myself shooting any pistol I pick up better. So I sold my P320.
The P320 trigger is very good. The reset is fantastic. But, in general, it gets heavier than I like before the point of release. If you will, "the wall" is just a bit too high - in general. Caveat to that last statement - I have shot one FCU that is just like I want it and another one of my friends has a FCU like that also, but most are not as "pure" as those two are.
Regarding EDC and how to decide which pistol to carry P320 or P-09), here are my best recommendations:
1. Shoot IDPA with both for a year, 10 matches minimum. That will stress you and test you in a simulated manner (not many of us can, or desire to, go and shoot bad guys in real life to reach conclusions about what we shoot best, therefore, simulation is all we have and should have). Do not just stand and shoot straight ahead at paper. The conclusions you reach doing that will not be valid for a self defense scenario. Shooting timed, after a draw from holster, around barriers and from behind cover makes a tremendous difference.
2. Reach some conclusions.
A. Decide which pistol you have more CONFIDENCE WITH = CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF WITH THE PISTOL AS ONE UNIT. That's different than confidence in the pistol alone - that is not what I am talking about.
B. Determine which pistol you shoot more accurately.
C. I recommend selecting the pistol you have the most confidence with AS A UNIT as your EDC as long as your accuracy is acceptable (center of mass of the bad guy). You do not have to be bullseye accurate for EDC. I will even stretch and say that the pistol you are bullseye accurate with probably is not better/best for EDC.
Now to blow your mind - I shoot DA/SA in IDPA with my P-09 and SP-01 most of the time and I EDC a Glock 27 Gen4 and shoot it in IDPA periodically. Why on earth do I do that after typing what I did just above? Mainly because I have not found a polymer subcompact Sig or CZ that I have complete confidence with. I shoot my beasty little Glock well. I must have polymer living in the Gulf Coast (massive sweat = horrible corrosion). I tried the P320 SC and sucked with it compared to my G27. I carried a Shield for a while but shoot the G27 much better and it has higher capacity. If Sig or CZ made a subcompact polymer DA/SA I'd carry it, but they don't (the polymer RAMI is no more).
As strange as it sounds, I settled on the G27 Gen 4 for my EDC and only striker fired pistol because of all of the striker fired actions I've tried (4 x P320 FCUs, 5 Glocks, 2 Shields) I found a SWEET one in this bone stock G27 Gen4. I like it so much that I bought an Advantage Arms Conversion kit for it so I can shoot .22 with it - a lot. I kept this particular striker because the feel of its trigger and action lets me switch back and forth to and from my DA/SA pistols with the least difference and transition. Strange but true.
I will say there is one P320 FCU that belongs to a frind of mine that is just as sweet. I would have kept it if I had been fortunate enough to buy it. Alas, the ones I bought were stiffer. If you get a great P320 FCU you CANNOT beat its ability to change roles for you - from Subcompact to full size duty or Competition pistol.
I have an Enhanced Elite P226-22 that has a great action stock from Sig. Someday when I have the funds, I will buy an Exchange kit for it so I can shoot it centerfire also. It is double SRT, so in addition to smooth, the SA reset is just joyful to shoot. I may carefully polish it sometime, after it has more rounds through it and has mated its parts more. Right now it ties as the best stock trigger from Sig I have had. My wife's 1995 P229 is the other. I have had several other Sigs that were gritty, most disappointingly in a TacOps that cost a bundle. Unfortunately, I now know how to diagnose and correct that due to a forum member but I sold it long ago.
FWIW - this is how my wife decided that her range pistol is a sweet P229 DA/SA and her EDC is a Kahr P9. If you know what a P9 is and how it works, you will understand the connection. BTW I am absolutely forbidden from selling or trading either of those two pistols. She claimed them long ago. I can shoot them any time I want but they are off limits to the trade cycle. I have "my" Sigs and CZs and we share a Ruger GP 100 6" heavy barrel in .357 Magnum that we bought as our mountain lion gun.