You know what's a lot of fun? Put 50 rounds through a Glock 23 (.40 S&W) or a .40 P07 and then put 50 through the 9mm P07. Preferably, shoot the Glock if you can first. You'll be amazed at how easy the P07 is to shoot. It's kind of a fun exercise to do. I did this a couple of weeks back and thought I was shooting the Glock well. I then picked up my P07 in 9mm and was amazed at how easy it was to shoot it really well. It's like there was no recoil and I could just look at a spot on the target and then hit that spot. I don't normally shoot the P07 that well, but it is a good shooter for me. Shooting the Glock, and to a lesser extent, the P07 in .40 first really changes the feel of the P07 in 9mm for me. It's really a lot of fun to do.