In my line of work I have to confront evil people all day long. However, I wouoldn't do it QUITE that way. I am NOT criticising you, because it obviously worked, however, the potential for bad things was there,
Prosecuting Attorney : "Mr. New, why did you feel neccesary to step out of your house with a GUN, and demand information from my clients? Are you a law enforcment officer, or are you some crotchety old man wanna be? Did you not know that your 'scary beard voice' might lead to confrontation on your own lawn, and weren't you indeed, egging them on, trying to provoke a fight, so you could be the hero in the news, is that not the real story Mr New? Were you not deliberately proviking my clients into a fight where you had a hidden GUN, and could slake your BLOOD LUST, isn't that true?!?"
For the record, I have VERY little use for most lawyers. However, I deal with thier mistakes all day every day, and they will use tactics like this, to make you out to be the bad guy in front of the jury. Again, everything worked out in your favor, and I'd be happy as all get out to have you for a nieghbor. I just wanted to point out the legal pitfalls that can open up.
As it went, all's well that ends well, and this one ended well. Please be safe - we want our members to enjoy that New Year!