This isn't the nickel you find on old revolvers. It's the satin nickel (I don't even know if it's nickel really, or a hard chrome/industrial chrome finish).
I've got one I bought for my wife a couple years ago and it's very slick, very slick. When we first got it both of us were uncomfortable with the feel in our hands. Afraid it would move around when firing it, or maybe drop it at some point. I put some skateboard tape on the front of the frame/magazine well to improve the "grippiness" of the gun. Then I bought some of the CZ soft rubber grips and replaced the hard plastic grips. After that the tape came off because the rubber grips grab your hand so well.
If it feels that slick to the touch it probably reduces wear on the frame/rails, too. And it's an excellent rust preventive finish if it's industrial/hard chrome.
It sort of looks like a satin stainless steel finish.
I'm not endorsing purchase of the pistol. That's up to a buyer. Ours is a very "pretty" pistol. My wife was happy with it till she shot the new Compact I bought late last year and then she wanted that one because it shot better groups. I guess now she has more than one CZ 75 Compact.