So my son wasn't feeling well yesterday and I was forced to stay home with him. So obviously I took him out with me to go shoot the TSO for the first time. It was actually a nice day out, no wind, and sunny but still chilly (~40F). My local range is closed due to road conditions so I went north of town and pulled off the road and setup for shooting. My main reason for shooting was to shoot my load development rounds hence the chrono and bench. I didn't have much time as the little one wasn't up for it and probably shouldn't have been out in the elements but he was a trooper.
I have mixed feelings about the gas pedal. If feels funky. Everything on the left side of the gun feels crowded. I wish I could move the gas pedal forward about 1/4 inch. I may pull the slide stop lever and install the slide stop pin to see how it feels without the lever. I also think I am going to have to get the larger CZ Custom safety. I think it will force my strong hand thumb into the right position. This is my first safety gun and first SAO gun. I am going to have to retrain my brain to flick off the safety!
My first group sucked! I did have better success with my reloads but unfortunately I forgot to turn the camera back on! I should also say that I suck shooting off a bench. I don't know what it is but having any part of the gun/arms rested just doesn't work for me.
I've got plenty to work on at the moment. First things first I need to find a holster and potentially a complete rig for this gun. Then I need to shoot it a ton! But alas it is snowing again! We're supposed to get 3 ft by Tuesday and maybe more next week. I don't think my range will be open for a while.,