Hello everyone. Recently picked up my first cz. I had it narrowed down to a p320c and the p-07. I had been on a 1911 kick and had a rare urge for polymer. Went home with the cz. Love it. So, I bought another. I mean with mags so expensive, it's like you buy 2 mags and get another gun for only $350 right? Ha, we'll that's what I told myself. I really wanted an fde so I ordered one online. Unfortunately, the fde trigger is much different from my first p-07. The fde trigger is borderline bad. I also just got it this week, and the target date is Jan of 2016 so it's been sitting around a year. Maybe the newer production p-07s typically have better triggers? Anyway, this got me to contact CGW and they told me it will be early March when they can accept it so now I am eagerly waiting. I'll post pics when I figure it out. Thanks for reading!