Author Topic: SUDDEN Heavy Rust  (Read 2202 times)

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Offline 1SOW

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SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« on: April 24, 2017, 10:50:42 PM »
I have 1957 Belgium Browning Sweet 16  that's been handed down through the family since NIB.

I've had it since approx. 1985 after my dad passed away.  The gun is all original,  was in  good condition and shoots very well.  For the last few years I've been using it to shoot an occasional man on man steel match and did well surprisingly.  A three gun local match is scheduled for Saturday,  so I was going to practice with it tomorrow.  I made a tube +1 extension using a new magazine spring cap welded to some aircraft tubing.  My son did the tig welding,  and he'll be the next owner.  This returned the gun to original condition when the stock cap was screwed back on.

The plastic gun box is stored under the bed.  I pulled it out,  opened it and the barrel was covered in heavy rust especially on top and all the way out to the end of the adjustable choke.  The frame & receiver were untouched by rust.  The rust was really heavy and would come off on your hands.  I used a plastic scrubber pad and oil to rub it down.  All the heavy stuff rubbed off but the damage was done.    It almost looked like it was chemically attacked by something.  I haven't shot it for quite a few months,  but it's been stored in the same place since 1992 when I retired from the military and we returned from Fla. to out TX home.  No rust during that time. NONE.

I have been using mostly 16 ga Remington 7 1/2 and 8 shot, no reloads or oddball ammo..   What causes a high quality shotgun barrel to "suddenly" rust like crazy? 


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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2017, 04:54:33 AM »
Not sure what caused your sudden issue. Did the barrel get wiped down with some type of solvent and not re-oiled?  All my guns get oiled down chambers and all before they go in the safe and a monthly wipe down with an oily rag even when not used for extended periods.

Offline rdcinhou

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2017, 05:30:31 AM »
It could have been caused by galvanic corrosion cause by the welding on of a dissimilar metal.
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Offline Earl Keese

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2017, 06:31:50 AM »
Sorry to hear about your gun. I've never seen or heard of weldable(to each other)metals causing galvanic corrosion. If the tube is bare aluminum though, and in contact with steel, galvanic corrosion is possible. Usually the aluminum would be the sacrificial metal and It would still require the  presence of an electrolyte. I used to keep an old .22 in a rifle case and opened it one day to find it had rusted even though it was oiled when I put it up. Is it pitted too deeply to remove and re-blue?

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2017, 07:02:36 AM »
Man, I feel for you.  Combination of being your dad's gun plus having a nice gun your thought would stay nice suddenly rusting up on you not only make you feel bad, it makes you feel mad as hell, too.

Wood floors?  Does anyone use one of those dust mop things that spray cleaning solution in a fan shape in front of the mop as you push it across the floor (my wife uses those).

Has anyone been in the house pilfering around, maybe finding it, taking it out and handling it?  Some kids (nephews/nieces) I've had/known can be relied on to pilfer through rooms, drawers, closets unless someone stay with them about all the time.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline FrankW

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2017, 07:26:24 AM »

Dang, that is bad news. 

I assure that only the new cap and extension was in your son's shop when it was welded?  It sounds like the barrel was wiped down with a rag that had something on it somewhere along the way.  If the complete gun was in the shop then that may be the source of your problem.  When TIG welding the metal is usually chemically stripped of oils and impurities.  Don't know your son's process but if that barrel was in his shop when he welded the extension he may have accidently wiped something on the barrel.  Many TIG welders use Acetone to clean the area to be welded. 


Offline 1SOW

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2017, 10:47:18 AM »

Thanks guys.
I've been using the extension for a long time.  The extension is all steel,  and in the box but wasn't on the gun.
Vacuuming is the only floor cleaning.
There's just my wife and I in the house.  I too just wipe it down with an oily rag.
This is why I'm so baffled about the sudden rust.   :-\
I'm going to shoot it today and in Saturday,'s match.


Offline 1SOW

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2017, 02:36:28 PM »
I shot it this morning running 4 plates and a stop popper at 10 yards.
It shot perfectly.  I shot the first run at 3.10 seconds,  just a little slow.  The next runs had other shooters firing,  so  I didn't get a time. No misses and all were good hits.  Surprisingly one wad was was lodged dead center in a 6" cardboard plate.
. :)
 My shoulder reminded me it's recoil operated,  but that makes me smile.
"Sarge" tried it out and mentioned his shoulder wasn't what it used to be,  but he was smiling too.

Eventually I'll get the barrel redone, so it's still a 'shooter' and not just an old safe queen for my son. 
I'll try to find someone excellent to refinish the Barrel and  Adjustable Choke.

Offline aguila9

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2017, 05:31:38 PM »
How is the weapon stored? Soft case, plastic w/foam case? Does the case go out when you travel with the weapon? I've had rifles rust up in foam cases, especially after any level of precipitation occurs when the case is outside.

As we have all surmised, some foreign substance got on the barrel or in the case. Check the desiccant if used, I've seen one case of same affecting finishes on blued weapons.

In the end the routine inspection and/or cleaning after an outing might have prevented this, but it happens and am happy that she still gets taken to the range.

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Offline 1SOW

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Re: SUDDEN Heavy Rust
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2017, 12:27:46 AM »
plastic w/foam case?

It only goes out of the house when we have a "5th Saturday"  3-Gun match,  or when I get the random urge to take it to my Tues. practice session.  :-\
The last 5th Sat. match I believe was rained out or cancelled for some reason,  so it's been in the case for quite a while.   As you said,  It may be that the foam picked up some moisture,  not wet,  but just enough moisture that it may have condensed on top of the bbl.  That might explain why the top of the bbl was the only rusty area.  The rest is untouched by any corrosion.