Well, if you've got the CZ bug, there's probably none better than the Rami BD as a ccw, so it depends on what it's worth to you. If you haven't shot one yet, think of it as a lighter, concealable "snub nosed" version of your SP-01 and still very accurate. I find it much more concealable than even my "compact" P-01, with equal capacity.
Bear in mind the RAMI BDs are particularly hard to find even in the best of times. Even when the market is temporarily "flooded" they're usually sold out within a week or two. I'm not sure that scarcity is going to get better in the near future now that CZ is going full tilt on producing its Glock clone, the P-10.
It's $50 over msrp for a new gun (if one could be found), so providing it's in as good a shape as the seller says...there's no time like now. You may kick yourself later.
If it was me, at this point in time, I'd buy it.