Author Topic: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble  (Read 4227 times)

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Offline kbahus

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1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« on: November 26, 2016, 07:34:25 AM »
I have put maybe 300 or 400 rounds downrange so far with a new to me PCR and am having a hard time finding a natural place for my thumb. It seems I can get the firearm nice and low in my hand but then the decocker is gouging my thumb. Switching from a lifetime of 1911 shooting I want to put my thumb forward resting on top of the safety, well this works well on a 1911 the ergonomics are just off enough that decocker is right where my thumb wants to rest. It's almost like I need a lower profile, higher positioned decocker. The factory rubber grips may be part of my problem, but I don't know if I want to spend $85 to find out on some thin aluminum grip panels. I didn't think it would be a big deal but I handled a SP-01 at the lgs that had a manual safety and it felt 100 times better with my grip. Has anyone else had issues with the decocker placement? Has anyone seen a modified or aftermarket decocker lever?

Offline Swamp ash

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2016, 09:02:13 AM »
The thin aluminum grips are the sha-fizzle and I highly recommend them O0.  They will get marked and scratched up but they feel so cool and connected to the weapon.

I think your habits and familiarity  will improve in time, anyway, given the newness of the PCR.
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Offline dbarn

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2016, 10:16:44 AM »
As a long time 1911 shooter, I've found the best place for my thumb on a P-01 decocker lever is under the top serrated lever.

In fact I tend to "pinch" upward with my strong (right) hand grip with the serrated lever being used as a stopping place for my thumb just below the joint. My weak hand thumb is rested along the slide above the slide stop with the base under my strong hand thumb. My weak hand wrist is locked forward. This allows me to get a very high grip on the pistol and helps with followup shots. YMMV   
« Last Edit: November 26, 2016, 10:23:58 AM by dbarn »

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2016, 05:02:51 PM »
Because I was along time 1911 owner/carrier/shooter I went with CZs that have manual safeties, like the 1911.

I bought a Browning BDM 9MM a few years ago and I found myself decocking it far to often when I was getting ready to fire it.  No decockers for me, they'd get me hurt.

Going with the thumb safety guns makes carrying the 1911 again easier, if it came down to that.  I still have one 1911 in the house/bedroom.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline kbahus

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2016, 10:22:45 AM »
Thanks for the tips everyone. I ran another 100 through it yesterday and it is getting better, but just not quite right. At this point I do wish I would have gone with a manual safety model but the I really liked the idea of the decocker for carry purposes.

After the range I took off the rubber grips and the gun as a whole does feel better in my hand, so I will be watching for some used aluminum grips. I also came across this CZ Custom gun that has a decocker lever that looks perfect and I believe the grip panels that Swamp ash was talking about?

Offline milq

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2017, 11:09:49 PM »
I'm curious how the OP is getting along after some time on the gun?
I'm thinking about a P-01 but can't find one anywhere locally to handle and I fear the same problem. My SP-01 is manual safety and I ride on top of the lever and it's a touch higher than my 1911s, but if the lever weren't there my thumb may naturally drop a bit.

The Compact L is what I need and I'm bidding on a used one now on GB but the reserve isn't met yet and it's nearing my limit...
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Offline larryflew

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2017, 11:48:39 PM »
Canik 50 is a PCR with a safety. Even uses CZ mags.
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Offline twowheels

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2017, 10:22:32 AM »
As a left handed 1911 and shadow shooter who rides the safeties, I also have trouble getting comfortable with a CZ decocker.  A P 07 was my first CZ decocker and I couldn't find a comfortable place for my thumb.  Under the decocker feels weird and on top of it results in either occasional inadvertent decocker activation or my pressing the lever partially down during the recoil cycle and having the lever experience an irritating kickback.  I gave that gun to my son as a home defense weapon.

My second CZ decocker was a P 01 omega.  I had the same issues as with the P 07 so I put the safeties on and love the gun in this configuration.

My third try was with a friend's SP 01 .40 tactical and the right side decocker lever is so firm I can't even activate it.

The CZ style platform with the best operating ambi decockers is IMO the sphinx.  It is very easy to ride the decocker on my subcompact and operate it properly.

The sigs also have wonderful decocker function and I can operate the lever pretty easily with my trigger finger.  I'm  sure they function perfectly for right handed shooters.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 11:23:29 AM by twowheels »

Offline kbahus

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2017, 10:03:39 PM »
I'm curious how the OP is getting along after some time on the gun?
I'm thinking about a P-01 but can't find one anywhere locally to handle and I fear the same problem. My SP-01 is manual safety and I ride on top of the lever and it's a touch higher than my 1911s, but if the lever weren't there my thumb may naturally drop a bit.

The Compact L is what I need and I'm bidding on a used one now on GB but the reserve isn't met yet and it's nearing my limit...

Well my PCR is now a safe queen. I just can't get used to it, but to be fair I have not tried different grips. I handled an SP-01 with the manual safety and it made me realize I made a serious mistake, the manual safety felt natural to me.

Offline JoeLiberty

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2017, 11:55:47 AM »
I have seen one guy mod his decocker lever, but I don't think he sells them. But if you know someone competent in metal working/refinishing, it does not look difficult.

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2017, 12:24:07 PM »
You can always just remove the decocker lever.  It is really unnecessary.  I have a PCR, but most of my CZ's and other guns are manual safety.  I use MY THUMB to decock these guns, safely, and securely.  It is not an issue.    In fact, although my PCR has a decocker, I still use my thumb to decock it out of habit. 

Offline kbahus

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2017, 07:37:15 AM »
That flush fit decocker looks like it would solve my troubles. CZ Custom got back to me about dehorning a lever and the cost would be around $120 for them to do it. I can't decide if it is worth the cost or try to find another model CZ.

Offline Pilot1

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #13 on: February 18, 2017, 08:06:31 AM »
That flush fit decocker looks like it would solve my troubles. CZ Custom got back to me about dehorning a lever and the cost would be around $120 for them to do it. I can't decide if it is worth the cost or try to find another model CZ.

If you want a lightweight, alloy framed Compact CZ, the PCR is the BEST choice.  There are the Canik/Tristar clones, but I prefer the PCR above just about any other 9MM out there for an all around pistol even with the decocker.

Offline rhart

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Re: 1911 to PCR, Decocker Trouble
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2017, 06:23:23 PM »
I have a problem with SIG decockers doing this, but not with the CZ decocker on the P01, which I believe is identical to the PCR. The reason why is because the SIG decocker is operated by pushing forward and down while the P01 operates by pushing to the rear and down. During recoil the muzzle flips upward so if your thumb is riding the SIG decocker this motion activates the decocker. I rest my left thumb on the back of my right thumb and point it straight along the gun, but the SIG can decock from the pressure of my "thumb palm" on my left hand and not the thumb of my right hand. I too think the decocker is too low and/or sticks into the side of my thumb, but it has never decocked on me.

 I think the new Omega decockers operate in a similar direction to SIGS and I will not have one myself due to my high grip operating the decocker during recoil.
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