Blue bullets is 0.006$ expensiver before shipping. x1000 so 6$ more.
Missouri is 70$ per 1000 plus shipping.
bsand, you bought bullets from a new company and new commercial bullet maker based on saving a fraction of a penny, and the bullets are undersized for caliber, which is an issue, probably not completely cured, as suggested by the smell, and the profile forces you to load short enough that some guns are going to have feeding problems, one of which is your pistol in particular. Those are the facts. That's not bad-mouthing. That's direct criticism of manufacturing decisions and flaws.
And if you think people aren't addressing you and your issue or H&S with the appropriate attitude, maybe closing your first response in the thread with the wise-ass
Happy? set a bad tone at the outset. But, hey, it's not like you get only one chance for a first impression.