Without knowing your intended use, here's where I'd start...
? Win 231 (aka Hodgdon HP-38) or Win WSF powder (all 3 are common with lots of load data)
? 500 Berry 124gr Hollow Base RN bullets
? Winchester WSP small pistol primers
There's not going to be anything hard to find or extravagantly expensive about these components. The ammo will be easy and fun to assemble, and you'll have a very wide load range so you can make "
powder puff" loads or some fairly hot competition loads.
It's not going to be the last word in accuracy or the hottest ticket in town, but it will allow you to load in safety while you refine your reloading process and learn about your reloading press. By the time you finish shooting those you'll know more about what you like and don't like, and you'll have the
skills necessary to load almost anything you want.
Hope this helps.