I was sorting a lot of brass yesterday (and have a lot more to sort) and I ran across a small can of 30.06 and .45 acp brass that needed to be cleaned.
I tossed it into one of the vibratory cleaners (crushed walnut shell media), set the timer, turned it on and went into the house for the evening. When I came out this morning I dumped the brass/media into the separator and then pulled the brass out. All of it had some kind of light gray crud on it. The 30.06 cases were way worse than the .45 acp cases.
Anyone ever see anything like this before? The same cleaner/media was just used the day before for .300 BO brass and it came out nice and shiny after 4 hours.

I then tossed them in the other vibratory cleaner, also crushed walnut shell media, and ran them or almost 3 hrs. No change in the brass/appearance at all. Still a light gray color. Whatever it is will scrape off with my fingernail. That means tomorrow I'll grab the Lee case trimmer/shell holder stuff, a cordless drill and some 0000 steel wool and do a quick spin/clean/polish on the dirty brass. I'm just curious as can be about what might have caused this.
I think the brass was fired during a range session last fall when I was in WV. It wasn't range pickup stuff that had been lying in the dirt/leaves somewhere. We shot it, we picked it up and I brought it home (no one at home reloads anymore).
Edited to add:
Forgot to add that I used the same cleaner/media to clean off the .300 BO brass I was making and it all came out nice and shiny just after the ugly brass in the picture. I wanted to "test" the media in that cleaner but it must be okay since the .300 BO brass didn't have anything built up on it. Just makes it even odder that the previous batch of brass came out looking the way it did.