Next Tuesday the 26th of September our legislature will be meeting in the state Capitol. One of the topics that will most likely be on the agenda will be HB2231 "Castle Doctrine".
Please everyone call or email your state Rep and let them know you want HB2231 fully supported. Let your Rep know you should not have to fear protecting you or your loved ones in an act of self defense simply because most DA's try to always try to find some small reed to grasp at to find an argument that opportunity to flee or preclude was available. Nor do you wish to fear that the criminal can file a civil action against you for simply protecting yourself or loved one, this is just wrong.
This is our chance now here in Pennsylvania to do something and lets not allow it to slip through our fingers. We have less than seven days to make calls so please be proactive.
Enter your zip code at this link to get your state reps: email your House Rep. was originally posted by member thpa at the High Road; I'm passing it on here.