Author Topic: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity  (Read 3524 times)

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Offline villdetwink

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CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« on: February 05, 2017, 02:54:39 PM »
CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity

Was out at the range today and had a weird thing happen.

When firing in SA,  if I happened to let out the trigger during staging, it would drop into DA mode.
Happened 3 or 4 times, cleared and checked for malfunctions...none to be found.
It would cycle fine in DA afterwards...

I have had it out twice since picking it up last month, and this is the first time it has done this.
I have never had this happen with any of my other CZs?but this is my only Omega.

After getting home, cleaning and looking it over?I did a little dry-firing.
And I noticed that when I dry fire in DA and let the trigger out, it does not reset.
It stops just short with a dead trigger, if I nudge it forward slightly it resets.

Still a little new here, and tried to do a search but didn?t come up with anything.

I am wondering if any of you have had a similar issue?

I appreciate any insight you may have.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 11:09:14 AM by villdetwink »

Offline flattusmaximus78

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 12:25:16 PM »
I have a P09... same trigger, but I had something similar happen when my brother and sister shot the gun for the first time. They pulled the trigger SO SLOW, and I watched the hammer move back and then fall so slowwww. I have no clue if they let go or what, but the hammer dropped incredibly slow and they let go afterwards. Never had the trigger not reset. I also could never replicate what they did with well over 1,000 rounds.

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2017, 01:01:20 PM »
CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity

Was out at the range today and had a weird thing happen.

When firing in SA,  if I happened to let out the trigger during staging, it would drop into DA mode.
Happened 3 or 4 times, cleared and checked for malfunctions...none to be found.
It would cycle fine in DA afterwards...

I have had it out twice since picking it up last month, and this is the first time it has done this.
I have never had this happen with any of my other CZs?but this is my only Omega.

After getting home, cleaning and looking it over?I did a little dry-firing.
And I noticed that when I dry fire in DA and let the trigger out, it does not reset.
It stops just short with a dead trigger, if I nudge it forward slightly it resets.

Still a little new here, and tried to do a search but didn?t come up with anything.

I am wondering if any of you have had a similar issue?

I appreciate any insight you may have.


Were you able to resolve this? I've been considering one of those (or other newer Omega with the same config), and this is a bit concerning.

Offline villdetwink

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2017, 01:19:19 PM »
CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity

Were you able to resolve this? I've been considering one of those (or other newer Omega with the same config), and this is a bit concerning.

Yes, I was able to resolve the issue.
The spring for the decocker had come out of its tiny retaining hole in the frame.
Re-installed the spring and decocker...have had no issues to date.

If you are interested, I am actually selling mine.
It is a great pistol, just have others I prefer to shoot more.

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2017, 02:44:34 PM »


Yes, I was able to resolve the issue.
The spring for the decocker had come out of its tiny retaining hole in the frame.
Re-installed the spring and decocker...have had no issues to date.

If you are interested, I am actually selling mine.
It is a great pistol, just have others I prefer to shoot more.

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Offline azjay

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2017, 08:34:06 PM »
CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity

Was out at the range today and had a weird thing happen.

When firing in SA,  if I happened to let out the trigger during staging, it would drop into DA mode.
Happened 3 or 4 times, cleared and checked for malfunctions...none to be found.
It would cycle fine in DA afterwards...

I have had it out twice since picking it up last month, and this is the first time it has done this.
I have never had this happen with any of my other CZs?but this is my only Omega.

After getting home, cleaning and looking it over?I did a little dry-firing.
And I noticed that when I dry fire in DA and let the trigger out, it does not reset.
It stops just short with a dead trigger, if I nudge it forward slightly it resets.

Still a little new here, and tried to do a search but didn?t come up with anything.

I am wondering if any of you have had a similar issue?

I appreciate any insight you may have.


Were you able to resolve this? I've been considering one of those (or other newer Omega with the same config), and this is a bit concerning.

After a lot of searching the web, I finally came across a thread here where schmeky outlined the known issue and solution! Thank you CGW! All it was...was the DA timing roller (according to the manual it's part 60- trigger bar disconnector).

Installed new components and now it works great! Even swapped to lighter springs...boy what a nice trigger and gun this is! Thank you Eric as well for the sale.

For anyone else out there with this kind of problem, apparently it's common with the CZ75. The rollers vary in outside OD. CGW's oversized roller is the cure. Accompanied by a reduced power trigger return spring of course. The OD of the roller that came with my (new to me) cz was .212

CGW parts: 75220 & RP-TRS

Can't wait to shoot it!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2017, 08:54:49 PM by azjay »

Offline sberres

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2017, 04:58:22 PM »
  I just got my 75 Omega this weekend and began running with snap caps as soon as I cleaned up the factory oil.  Almost right away I noticed the problem you've described (and I'd run across this post and the video within the past couple of weeks) but darned if I could find it again till now.  Not 100% of the time but enough to be disturbing, the hammer would fall to the double action mode when it should've been SA.  The trigger would either continue with a DA pull or could be relaxed and would allow the hammer to return to the safety notch.
  Not having the discussion to refer to I supposed that maybe it was a function of the decocker assy.  The problem seemed to disappear when the safety was installed and then seemed improved when the decocker was put back in place.  Firing produced no issues.  Back to dry firing and the problem kept intermittently occurring.  I thought that maybe firing, cleaning, lube, break in time would assist but noticed a couple of catches at the next firing.  It wasn't so much troublesome as it was annoying in knowing that it wasn't supposed to be like that.  After observing the problem with the safety installed I resolved to go deeper into the mechanism and figure out what was/wasn't happening.
  A detail strip on the Omega is a breeze!!  And, once I got the sear assembly out of the way I could see what was going on.  The disconnector piece (#17) on the hammer rides on a tab at end of the trigger bar (#7).  Its geometry is such that when the hammer is back and the trigger bar returns to the reset position it is supposed to ride along the inside of the disconnector hook curvature and raise it.  This was sometimes sticking and leaving the disconnector in the DA position even though the trigger would reset.  A little hand work with some scotchbrite and lapping compound has softened the harsh edges ever so slightly and taken care of the binding of the trigger bar in the little armpit of the disconnector.  Clean, lube with a little dot of grease and it seems just fine now.
  Not sure if the roller diameter described in the video had anything do with this but, as I said, once the reset hook was visible and I could see what it was supposed to do it was evident what was binding.  Probably also why it didn't seem too prevalent during shooting as the recoil impulse probably was enough to jar it into submission more so than manual slide operation.
  And I got to know my pistol much better in the process.
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Offline sberres

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2017, 10:11:10 AM »
...and with a little more investigation I can more clearly see that the action of the disconnector hook is as I ascribed it to be. Whatever I did helped immensely but not 100%.  Referencing the OP and the remark about the roller diameter mine mic'd at .223. I may check with CGW on their diameter but given that the light polish helped I may be just as well off "lubing" the area I'd previously touched with a little lapping compound and try to accelerate a bit of wearing in.
  Just wanted to clarify that I was mistaken in  my interpretation of the actual parts interaction in case a similar issue affects anyone else.
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Offline azjay

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CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2017, 12:14:45 AM »

Thank you for sharing your findings with us. You've got me curious now. With mine, I didn't notice what you described about the interaction between the disconnector and trigger bar. I think I'm going to go back in and take a closer look following your instruction.

I will say however, since installing the CGW roller, function has been 100%. Both dry & live firing. (I'm enjoying this 75 so much I picked up the iTarget setup!)

But still, if something is binding, catching or otherwise not operating as designed, even slightly, I'd like to resolve it.

Just to be certain we are having the same experience, I think I'll put the old roller back in and snap a video of what was happening. Maybe you could post a video showing your findings for us too?

FYI here are a couple of pics I took of the original roller & the CGW roller, along with the factory TRS & CGW's reduced power TRS.

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« Last Edit: June 06, 2017, 10:01:51 AM by azjay »

Offline sberres

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Re: CZ 75B Omega Convertible - Trigger Oddity
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2017, 06:32:41 AM »
Azjay- glad to hear the roller seemed to help it out. In my follow up I managed a typo and it was supposed to say that the disconnector hook was NOT as I'd originally observed. At least not to such a degree. But polishing the frame side of the trigger bar, ever so lightly polishing the edges of the very tip of the trigger bar where it engages the hammer and disconnector, and the inside edges of the disconnector hook have resolved the issue entirely.
  An earlier post had referenced the roller diameter as being something like .212. Mine is .223. I was unable to see the reading in your photos.
  I'll have to get back to this next week when I get back from a trip and see about some vid or pics. I don't want to see a little drag in the action such as this detract from I find to be an excellent pistol.

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