Still thinking like Santa Claus after enjoying PeachBoy son's 1st trigger job (which I got to coach; see ), I was poking around Cajun Gun Works' excellent website and noticed the 1485-T2 Disconnector and wondered, for the first time (seriously), if reduction in the low effort trigger travel between the forwardmost Single Action (hereafter SA) trigger position (hereafter FMSATP) and the actual start of SA might indeed be beneficial since so many upgrade kits include new Disconnectors.
Still a Newbie, OK? Anyway, I ordered a pair, for both his SP-01 Tactical and my 2075 RAMI BD, hoping we could complete at least one installation before Wifey and I headed back North from Hotlanta (14 degrees F ?!?!?) to Lake Effect Snow, etc. (15 degrees F in Ludington the same morning!).
The parts shipment arrived yesterday, but he had to work late so I started with the RAMI BD: turns out he'll have to do his SP-01 Tactical after we leave. Here's the result on my RAMI: the FMSATP ended up relocated rearward by 10.6mm, lowering the low effort travel before start of SA from 11.9mm to 1.3mm, quite a big difference!
Side-by-side Disconnectors (on common pin) showing the difference in reach: 2075 RAMI BD with CGW 1485-T2 Disconnector installed, showing new FMSATP: Concealed Carry Rig?