Over on rec.guns, there has been a thread about people having trouble finding 7.62x39 ammo the past month or so. One person claimed that the Cheaper Than Dirt store in Texas was even sold out. Add to this, that at the last gun show I was at (last weekend) I saw a lot less SKSs than usual, and the dealers who did have them seemed to sell quicker than normal. My regular gun shop only has 1 in stock (a rare, and therefore more expensive Albanian variant).
One dealer said that all of this started after Katrina, because people now know that when push comes to shove, nobody will be there to help them. Now, I believe in gun ownership (obviously). I also believe in home protection: I have a turkey gun (Remington 870 pump) that I keep in a safe in my bedroom with a shell holder on the stock. It holds 6 rounds of 3" 00 buck shot.
Anyway, here are my thoughts... when I first heard all of this I thought, "sounds like a good idea, maybe I'll pick an SKS up myself." But later I started to think how impractical it would be. If something like Katrina, or any other disaster (man made or natural) were to hit, why the hell would I want an SKS?
If I needed to leave my home and be mobile (find food, gas, water, ect...) and was worried about being safe, I would not bring an SKS. All it would do is call un-needed attention to myself from both the bad elements of society and law enforcement. What do you think would happen if I walked around the city with an SKS? I wouldn't last a second! Either a cop (or national guard) would think I was up to no good, or a civilian could think the same and take a shot. If you were in a disaster situation and somebody with an SKS was walking down the street towards you, what would you do? A good concealed firearm would be the way to go I believe.
Ok, so lets say that I have my supplies and lock-down the house. What would be better for home defense than a good shotgun? Do I expect an entire platoon invading from all windows and both doors at the same time? If somebody came in , they would have to go through a door and through an entrance way, that means single file. You don't need an SKS to defend that.
Maybe if I lived in a rural setting where I had land to protect and had to go from building to building (sheds, barns, ect...) on my own property it would make a bit of sense, but for us city folk, I think it is very impractical.
Any opionions?