Author Topic: Strange SA hammer action in SP01 compact  (Read 942 times)

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Offline krehmkej

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Strange SA hammer action in SP01 compact
« on: October 11, 2017, 04:50:25 PM »
Pistol is one of the recent all-steel SP01 Compacts.
Tuned it with a CZ Custom narrowed Shadow hammer and Cajun springs, 85 trigger 10x bushing.
All was smooth and slick.
Then I installed a SAO trigger (removing the disconnector).
Decided I liked DA/SA better so I reinstalled the other trigger and the disco.
Now, when firing SA, the hammer will drop about 1mm, recock very slightly (like the stock hammers do), then fire.
DA is perfect with no issues.
I'm at a loss as to what I screwed up..
Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated.


The Guardian

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Re: Strange SA hammer action in SP01 compact
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2017, 05:57:30 PM »
You didn't mention if you had this configuration of parts before, and if so did it work properly then?  Assuming you did not this is what I would suggest:

When changing out the hammer and/or disco on a safety version of any CZ, the sear/hammer interface may/usually needs some tuning.  I would venture to say if you installed an adjustable sear and adjusted it properly (trial and error before setting it) and function checked both the SA/DA operation along the adjusting process it would most likely fix the problem. Any time I do those kinds of modifications on a safety version I always use an adjustable sear, since inevitably "something" doesn't function correctly.....with the adjustable sear, never had an issue.  Just my experience..... ;)   I would check mine for that same issue but I only have de-cocker CZ 75 I can't check  ::)
« Last Edit: October 11, 2017, 06:33:50 PM by The Guardian »

Offline krehmkej

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Re: Strange SA hammer action in SP01 compact
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2017, 06:44:05 PM »
Same parts as before. I'd fitted the sear back when the new hammer went in.
Hitch seemed to be in synch with FP block lever movement.
I'd removed the block parts in the slide long before.
Just tore it down and reassembled.
Hitch in the action is now gone.
Ghost in the machine?
Guess I need the little spacer to replace the lever/spring.

The Guardian

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Re: Strange SA hammer action in SP01 compact
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2017, 06:52:22 PM »
Awesome........I thought about suggesting taking is apart and reassembling but didn't, so good call on your part to try that.  I've had issues at times with just the smallest of "debris" getting in the wrong place that causes issues.....just never know  ::)