Author Topic: Richmond, VA gun show today, 11/12/17  (Read 853 times)

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Offline M1A4ME

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Richmond, VA gun show today, 11/12/17
« on: November 12, 2017, 02:19:24 PM »
Saw more CZ's today than in two or three of the usual shows.  Seems like almost every couple of rows there was a table with CZ pistols included.

Saw a couple P10C's, both black.  Cheapest one was $470.

Saw a PCR (first one I've seen at a gun show.)

Saw a 9MM Rami (hadn't seen one in a good while).

Saw a beautiful Pre B CZ 85 with that seldom seen rear sight with the screw on either side of it to adjust windage.  I had to force myself not to buy this one at $650.  It was lying there with the paperwork, the magazines in a square Styrofoam looking container.  I don't know if the guy had the rest of the box or not, I didn't ask, I didn't want to get bumped over the edge and buy it.

Saw an almost as pretty Pre CZ 75 at the same table.

Saw Urban Gray P07's and P09's.

Saw one FDE P09 (hadn't seen one of those in awhile either.)

Saw one CZ 75 SA (had to resist that one, too.)

Saw one of the SP01 like Compacts.

Saw several SP01's, a couple SP01 Phantoms, a couple Phantom 2's (?? they looked different than the SP01 Phantom). 

Saw one CZ 75 Compact.

Saw one Tactical Sport in .40 S&W.

A couple of CZ Scorpians.  One was a pistol, the other a carbine.

Didn't see a single CZ 97, but seldom do anyway.

Didn't buy a single darn thing.  The excuse for going was Federal small pistol primers and I didn't see a single box.  Winchester, CCI and Tula, but no Federals.  I know I've got a box or two of them somewhere in that shed.  I just need to go back down there and move stuff around at the old reloading bench till I find them.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Tyerone

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Re: Richmond, VA gun show today, 11/12/17
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2017, 03:36:07 PM »
Well, you saved all that money on primers... go pick up that pre B!
« Last Edit: November 12, 2017, 03:43:30 PM by Tyerone »