Author Topic: Squirrels are digging my garden up!  (Read 3219 times)

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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Squirrels are digging my garden up!
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2017, 08:22:43 AM »
Thought about you yesterday.  We went up to my oldest son's townhouse/condo (I don't know the difference) for supper yesterday.  In the 45 to 50 yds. between the parking lot and his front door we saw 12 to 15 squirrels, some as close as 10 ft. (clinging to the side of a tree, 2ft. off the ground and looking at us as we walked by on the sidewalk).  I've hunted all day at home and never seen more than 3 or 4 squirrels in 8 to 10 hrs.  I must have been hunting in the wrong place....

I did tell my mother-in-law (she was with us) that we could have a good breakfast Sunday morning if she'd make the biscuits and gravy because I could supply the squirrels.  She just laughed and said she could make the gravy and biscuits if I wanted to get the squirrels.  My wife said, "No way, I don't want any."  Raised in the mountains, brought up eating squirrels, rabbits, turkey, grouse and deer and won't touch any of it today.  I think she's had it too easy, being married to me for 40 years.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Roger Vick

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Re: Squirrels are digging my garden up!
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2017, 03:39:30 PM »
Late follow-up.

After a few hundred practice rds with the 10.24gr RN pellets,  I've gained consistency with most shots:  13  to 18 yards within an inch.  These pellets DID improve my accuracy (19 Squirrels so far).  I also got the pellet pen, cleaning kit and bought more of the 10.34 pellets.

I tried hard with the artillery hold.  With the sights set for that hold it was accurate and consistent from a rest,  but swinging the rifle to track squirrels made that method impractical for me....too slow.

When I get time,  I do plan to try the scope again.  This time mounted more firmly and using blue LocTite when it's zero'd.
The irons are good for target shooting,  but in limbs of trees/brush some magnification helps get on target faster.

I ended up with a compromise of sorts: a cupped weak hand hold with the thumb and finger tips lightly holding in front of the trigger guard.  I had to adjust the sights just for this hold,  but it works well enough for quicker accurate shots.

The rifle is fine, the shooter is catching up.

Thanks for the help.

Glad the heavy pellets worked out, you never know with all barrels it's a game of finding what it likes.
The biggest problem with scopes on springer's in ring creep. The best solution I've found is a good scope ring with max dovetail clamping power like the BKL-260D7 4" Long Drop Compensated Dovetail Mount link below. You may or may not need droop compensation but most springers have barrel droop.

Offline 1SOW

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Re: Squirrels are digging my garden up!
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2017, 12:37:53 AM »
As a child (1O?),  when visiting my Grandmother in Tennessee,  I'd shoot ONE squirrel or ONE rabbit and take it to grandma.  She's dress and cook it and include it on the dinner table just for me.  [Wood stove,  no running water].
I was proud,  and thought they were delicious.

My wife would shoot ME if I cooked a squirrel.

By the way,  saw another squirrel today but 40+ yards away 20 feet up a palm tree was a stretch for me with irons.  :P

I'll try this scope and mount first,  but I bookmarked the bbl droop mount.