For me Ebay is too much of a risk. There are a lot of good holster makers who stand by their product and offer it at a fair price. I am in the buy once cry once camp. If you are going to carry this thing everyday for years $50-$100 is not a lot of money over the long haul to get something comfortable. If its not comfortable you won't carry it. Take this advice from someone who has a drawer full of cheap holsters that never get used.
In the ten years I have been a member of Ebay, I have gotten burned exactly... once. In that one case, Ebay covered my loss. Most of the holsters I found on Ebay were national brands, just overstocked or discontinued models, at ridiculously low prices. The holster I wound up buying for my brother was a top quality, Gould & Goodrich (new, old stock). Others are Chinese holsters. In my experience Chinese products range from fair to good, to excellent; usually worth at least what you pay for them.
Not everyone has the luxury to be choosy, as you do. I DID specify these were options for those with budgetary limits. When you do, you may not be able to afford what you want, but at least you have something to use till you can. Sometimes, you find it is everything you wanted... like when I bought a SAR instead of a CZ. On the other hand, I have paid the premium for exactly what I wanted, and found that I just hated it. Life is a crap shoot. Weigh the odds, make your bet, and roll the dice.