Author Topic: Jury out on Scorpion: Trigger Reset Issues  (Read 8412 times)

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Offline 3guneric

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Re: Jury out on Scorpion: Trigger Reset Issues
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2018, 03:15:01 PM »
Today I will be giving my trigger pack /Scorpion its test drive.  Just got my pack from HBI yesterday but spent the evening fishing people out of ditches - 1" of snow here.

Trigger seems great dry firing so will post review/updates once I run a bunch of mags through it.

Dan your info, postings, and offer are appreciated though.

Offline Alcoy

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Re: Jury out on Scorpion: Trigger Reset Issues
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2018, 04:08:51 PM »

Keep us posted. 

Thanks for helping people out of the ditches.

Lots of those around here in Northern Virginia when we get an inch of snow.

Offline 3guneric

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The Jury is in!
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2018, 06:33:18 PM »
Here it is:

1. There are two companies that totally stand by their product and will go the extra mile to make sure that the customer is satisfied - more importantly they want to ensure that the customer's firearm can be counted upon.  They are Dillon Precision and now I will add HB Industries to my golden list.

2. My HBI upgrades (Extended Charging Handle, AK (small) safety, Safety Delete and Trigger Spring
Kit) have all proven their value.  This tread has tracked my initial attempts to make my carbine a better gun by adding some highly praised upgrades.  The spring issue was most frustrating - it would just not hold its position.  HBI did not want me to accept this fact.  I was willing to stick w/ the OEM spring.  They asked me to let them install the springs for me, paid postage both ways, and were very quick about it. 

The Jury's verdict:

1. The spring now appears to hold its position and is to be counted on!
2. It is much lighter and slightly smoother.  I do not have the ability to precisely measure the pull but I am satisfied.  The OEM spring was not good and the reset was very "clunky."  Not so now.
3. This evening (in 21 degree environment) ran through 100+ rounds.  The HBI spring reset every time and in a positive way! ;D
4. Varied shooting from very slow/precise to blazing fast.  Zero trigger issues just lots of flying snow clods.
5. Visually inspect spring =  8)


1. HBI is to be counted on even after the sale - they truly want things to be right.
2. HBI accessories are trustworthy, quality, and well designed.
3. The HBI spring kit does what it promises, however you may want to consider having a gunsmith install.  I am skilled when it comes to working on firearms - followed HBI's excellent video - but still did not get install right.  I do believe that the install error was me but still not sure what I did wrong.

I have many more rounds to fire through this little Scorpion but we are up and running thanks to HBI.

Now if HBI could make an all-metal, high cap Scorpion magazine - that would be nice.

Will update.