I don't own either one (had a fobus once, gave it to my cousin for his 1911 - never had any issues with it, just didn't use it after I tried it a time or two).
From previous use of kydex and leather holsters I'd expect the kydex holster to put wear marks on your pistols sooner than the leather holsters.
But, the kydex holsters might hold your pistol tighter/better.
For my working guns, these days, I use kydex.
I had a couple of the holsters for the P07 made with a flat piece of leather on the inside (against my skin) and formed/molded kydex on the outside (against my pants). I liked them and used them all the time till I got the RMR and suppressor sights installed on my P07, then I had to get new holsters. Gave one to my son and messed the other one up trying to streatch it to fit the altered P07.
How's your build? If you have any part of a "spare tire" hanging over your belt those holsters may allow the beavertail on the back of the frame or the hammer to dig into your skin and be pretty painful. If you don't have that issue, no problem. If you do, you may want to look for a holster than has a guard on the inside (next to your skin) that extends upward far enough to keep the pistols sharp parts from gouging you up.
Good luck, with whichever holster you buy.
Oh, I have bought holsters with no flab protection, and I install a flat piece of leather to the side of the holster that fits up against my skin to protect me from the pistol. Here's one (to show what it requires for me to use most holsters made these days.)