Author Topic: which holster is better for the P07  (Read 1644 times)

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Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: which holster is better for the P07
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2018, 12:06:26 PM »
Personal preference, up to you.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: which holster is better for the P07
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2018, 12:52:25 PM »
I don't own either one (had a fobus once, gave it to my cousin for his 1911 - never had any issues with it, just didn't use it after I tried it a time or two).

From previous use of kydex and leather holsters I'd expect the kydex holster to put wear marks on your pistols sooner than the leather holsters.

But, the kydex holsters might hold your pistol tighter/better.

For my working guns, these days, I use kydex.

I had a couple of the holsters for the P07 made with a flat piece of leather on the inside (against my skin) and formed/molded kydex on the outside (against my pants).  I liked them and used them all the time till I got the RMR and suppressor sights installed on my P07, then I had to get new holsters.  Gave one to my son and messed the other one up trying to streatch it to fit the altered P07.

How's your build?  If you have any part of a "spare tire" hanging over your belt those holsters may allow the beavertail on the back of the frame or the hammer to dig into your skin and be pretty painful.  If you don't have that issue, no problem.  If you do, you may want to look for a holster than has a guard on the inside (next to your skin) that extends upward far enough to keep the pistols sharp parts from gouging you up.

Good luck, with whichever holster you buy.

Oh, I have bought holsters with no flab protection, and I install a flat piece of leather to the side of the holster that fits up against my skin to protect me from the pistol.  Here's one (to show what it requires for me to use most holsters made these days.)

I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Boriqua

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Re: which holster is better for the P07
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2018, 01:20:52 PM »
I have used Fobus holsters in the past and while I read negative things about them I actually never had a problem with one and I used it while riding a motorcycle. It is thermoplastic which is a bit softer than Kydex and I think a little less likely to scratch your finish if that is important to you. Fobus holsters are built in such a way that you have to give them a good firm Jerk in the right direction to free the gun and I felt retntion was better than many of the hand built kydex I have bought.

I looked at the leather holster you posted. Leather vs plastic really is a personal choice. I find that for great all day comfort nothing beats a well done leather pancake holster. it doesnt "hang" from the belt like most plastic holsters do so it doesnt booble. I hardly notice I am wearing a leather pancake but feel like I am pulling at my pants with many plastic holsters. The other nice thing about leather is that any places that rub on your body are soon rounded over with use. With Plastic .. if it rubs you funny it will rub you funny forever.

If I am going hiking in the AZ heat where gear can get annoying real fast or if I know I will be wearing all day I prefer leather. Having said that  .. I always have a plastic paddle somewhere for a quick run out to the store or I just need to slip on a gun for any quick trip.

The leather holster you linked to is very nice looking and is a flat back which can make it a bit more comfortable but you do lose a little retention with that design. I used to make all of my pancakes flat back but stopped. Some people love them though and with good reason. If you are a bony guy not having the gun projecting to the back is a real plus.

My bigger concern is that it looks like it is right at 6/7 oz leather. In my experience it is a little lighter weight than I would do an OWB holster with. I would be afraid that it might get a little sloppy pretty quickly and you would soon be buying another one.

Thin leather and a flat back for me is a no no.

 I only use 6/7 oz with either small, light weight guns or as the body for IWB since the bulk of the weight will be picked up by  the belt and my IWB designs all incorporate a heavy throat support.

While the 07 is not a heavy gun once its loaded up with a full mag the butt is pulling out on the throat. ..

You will have to decide between plastic and leather and I like to have both but I personally would pass on that particular leather holster and keep shopping. Its very nice looking but much of that is due to the extreme thermo form and you can only get that level of detail with lighter weight leather.

Between those two links if I had the money for only one .. I would buy the Fobus.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 01:27:35 PM by Boriqua »

Offline Michael from Germany

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Re: which holster is better for the P07
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2018, 01:57:40 PM »
wow, thank you for the detailed explanations.
in germany, carrying a weapon outside the shooting range is not allowed. So I only wear the holster on the shooting range. I am only concerned with which holster the pull and put back of the weapon works best.
with the leather one I'm afraid that sometime the edge kinks inwards and I get problems to stuck back the weapon.

Offline Boriqua

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Re: which holster is better for the P07
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2018, 02:27:10 PM »
wow, thank you for the detailed explanations.
in germany, carrying a weapon outside the shooting range is not allowed. So I only wear the holster on the shooting range. I am only concerned with which holster the pull and put back of the weapon works best.
with the leather one I'm afraid that sometime the edge kinks inwards and I get problems to stuck back the weapon.

I am glad I could be of help. It is more likely that you might get fold over on what I consider too thin a leather for that gun but if it is just for range use, which means you wont be using it a ton .. it should be fine and last a good long time and  ... it is a nice looking leather holster. I would be more concerned if it were an every day holster but it should be more than fine for range use.

If you get that one .. DONT oil it.

If you get the fobus practice a bit in the house before your first outing. My last one was very strict about pulling up straight in the direction of the holster to free it. Awesome when on a motorcycle but did take a couple of tries in the house before I could draw reliably.