When work has me stressed, I try to spend more time at the reloading bench.
That's the secret right there, guys !Right toward the end of your career, you'll find that they really load it on. Not intense, heavy, important work... just all the BS 'busy work' they can find. I really think they are trying to get you to react in some crazy, reactionary way... like simply quit. Happened to me. I also have a friend who retired from Johnson & Johnson after 45 years. They did him the same way. No raises for the last 13 years, managing an increased group size, and doing all these meaningless internal reports, etc. Then on the day of his retirement, the CEO flies in with a big diploma, and they throw a huge party to tell him what a incredible job he did....
and how he'll be missed. While the only thing really truly being missed is the full retirement they'll now have to pay out.
On a personal note, I watched the 2 guys in line for retirement in front of me literally
die at their desks. At my retirement "party" the CFO had the nerve to tell me that "not many employees reach this happy day".
The secret is to have at least one (and hopefully 3 or 4)
safety valves in your life. If reloading can be one of those, then by all means
GO for it !
Sure beats dying at your desk.