Author Topic: RAMI Continuous Improvement Suggestions  (Read 3047 times)

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Offline PappaWheelie

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RAMI Continuous Improvement Suggestions
« on: November 24, 2017, 11:08:39 PM »
I finally connected with CZUB directly via email, receiving a very positive response, so am now wondering why I hadn't tried going "direct" sooner: I had repeatedly, over a period of more than a year, asked CZ-USA to forward (to CZUB) a Word document with feedback and suggested engineering changes regarding their global-best subcompact the 2075 RAMI BD.

Below are copy-pasted excerpts of my email, their response, and the attached Continuous Improvement Suggestions document with links to the document's inserted images.

Hi CZUB Marketing Team,

I'm an American with deep respect of Czech/Moravian history, including:
-"Homeboy" Jan Hus, the REAL first Protestant reformer (100 years before Martin Luther),
-the "hand cannons" that Hus' followers used for defense against the persecution of the Catholic church,
-the Moravian Revival,
-the Zinzendorf 100 year prayer movement,
-CZ and Jawa-CZ motorcycles that I wrenched on in my youth, and how their "bulletproof" design philosophy is also evidenced/reflected in CZ firearms,
-the York bench vise that I obtained as an employee of a Jawa/CZ motorcycle dealership,
-the fact that your CZ 2075 RAMI BD is the pinnacle of currently-available concealed carry options (see link:)
-the best-in-class CZ 97 BD: see the PappaWheelie ? May 29, 2016 testimonial at
-and finally, your current leadership's stand against EU "refugee" imposition and the loss of national sovereignty thereby risked.

I have two questions:
1.) did you ever receive my May 17, 2016 file (Subject: CZ 2075 RAMI BD Strengths and Improvement Opportunities) as submitted to CZ-USA for forwarding?  I attach a copy, which is preferred to text copy-paste in that photographic images are included.
2.) Do you hold any hope for the slimmer, more traditionally CZ-styled high capacity subcompact described here?

Dear Sir,
          Thank you for your e-mail.
We have to admit that your knowledge of Czech/Moravian history is unbelievable, it is something one does not encounter very often.
I personally have never met anybody with such a great knowledge about our country, not to say your knowledge about our current state policy concerning ?refugees?.
Technical suggestions you make are forwarded to our company products managers.

From: (PappaWheelie)
Subject: CZ 2075 RAMI BD Strengths and Improvement Opportunities
Dear Ceska Zbrojovka:
I am very pleased to own the excellent CZ 2075 RAMI BD and have been waiting since February 4, 2016 for a CZ 97 BD as special ordered from -.
I am writing to congratulate you for perceiving, and creating, the far-and-away best concealed-carry pistol on the market in the RAMI BD.  Its 15 round capacity, CZ-legendary ergonomics, short barrel concealability, benchmark reliability, and world-class accuracy make it clearly the best choice available.
Two engineering choices, however, detract from its optimization. It is my pleasure to communicate these ?continuous improvement opportunities? in hopes that future RAMI customers might benefit from them having been addressed.
1.) Firing pin retaining pin ?the stock retaining pin is of the coiled type, i.e., rolled up like a cinnamon roll, and its lack of hardness contributes to firing pin sticking malfunction after being used with a laser bullet for practice (laser bullets have an elastomeric ?primer? to trigger an electronic switch and absorb firing pin energy, but the elastomer is typically not stiff enough to prevent ?dry firing? impacts at the firing pin retaining pin interface).
The inability to see through the pin (as can be done with a split spring type pin) precludes early diagnosis of retaining pin deformation, so actual sticking of the firing pin comes as an unwanted surprise.
Recommended EC (Engineering Change): specify installation of a high quality split spring type retaining pin, such as   or  (Rockwell hardness specification C46 minimum)
And, specify a small ~0.5mm radius on the corner of the firing pin notch/OD intersection to blunt the ability of the firing pin to bite into the retaining pin.  See image above.
The visibly hollow split spring type retaining pin would enable visual detection of retaining pin deformation to the extent that firing pin sticking might soon occur, although my experience with the CGW pin and the slight corner radius has been that virtually no deformation, indeed only cosmetic burnishing of the oxide layer, has resulted after this suggested change.
2.) Rear sight setscrew centering hole ?my RAMI BD has required a significant (~0.7mm!) offset of its rear sight location to ?center? firing patterns on the target laterally, but as delivered, the RAMI is unable to maintain the required rear sight location for as few as three magazines, even after application of Anti-Seize compound to the threads of the setscrew to increase its clampload.
After no fewer than five reversions from the calculated-correct location to a more centered location (which unfortunately shoots ?left), I finally removed the sight (thinking Loctite) and saw the reason.  A (2.5mm diameter X 1.0 deep) sight-centering hole in the slide is directly below the setscrew of a centered sight, but acts as a (literal) black hole to suck the setscrew and sight back towards the center of the slide under firing impacts when the setscrew has been tightened near the edge of the hole.
Rather than resorting to a milled groove to flatten the setscrew clamp area, I have filled the hole with a JB Weld-fixed plug (the tip of the shank of a 2.5mm drill), carefully dressed flush with the bottom of the dovetail groove, a remedy no customer should have to face in order to obtain a reliably straight-shooting RAMI.
Recommended EC: simply delete the 2.5mm hole, for manufacturing cost savings.
Addition of Anti-Seize compound to the setscrew threads prior to assembly would offer the sight-fixing retention functionality intended by the hole, by substantially increasing clampload, while enabling future RAMI customers with the ability to fine-tune sight alignment without trauma.
3.) Hammer tooth flatness (bonus input): -my RAMI has greatly benefited by the purchase and installation of the OEM ?Thick? Trigger and Short Reset System (the original RAMI trigger curvature is so excessive that it digs into one?s trigger finger) as offered by Cajun Gun Works.  In conjunction with this work I smoothed the significant broachmark of the hammer?s SA tooth.  Note in this image that the groove was so substantial that even after full break-in it could actually be photographed given the right lighting!
This non-flatness greatly detracted from the intended ?surprise? of a proper SA trigger pull.  I believe SA trigger action (feel) to be an attribute that ?sells,? and also contributes to a marque?s legacy, and so that it would be in CZ?s best interest to apply (or reinstate?) the process controls (tool sharpening intervals) necessary to regain the perceived quality for which CZ pistols have traditionally been revered.
Recommended EC: specify the OEM ?Thick? trigger for both the RAMI BD and the 97 BD; and,
apply a reasonable (subjective grittiness-derived) flatness control specification to the RAMI?s hammer SA tooth.
Thank you, CZ, for your excellent engineering design and manufacturing!
Best regards,

November 25, 2017 update: obsolete McMaster-Carr link updated to show target product #97855A170.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2017, 10:16:42 AM by PappaWheelie »
Member, Gun Owners of America
CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
Homeboy: CZ 97 BD, Underwood 45 Super 120 Grain Xtreme Defender ammo
UBG: CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-ready
-all w/ CGW Short Reset Kit/1485-T2 Disco, 5 "Thick" Trigger, polished SA tooth

Offline PappaWheelie

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Re: RAMI Continuous Improvement Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2018, 02:30:31 PM »
This is a follow-on of this prior post wherein I first discussed the filling-in of the who-needs-it setscrew hole under the RAMI's rear sight.

Yesterday I did a four targets, four magazines sight alignment check using my homebuilt post-mounted steady rest, having actually measured the distance to target this time with my 100' tape measure, and concluded that a further fine-tune of my RAMI's rear sight would be worthwhile.

I thought it might be of benefit to some, at least, to document the method I use for measuring the lateral location of the rear sight, as well as to take a picture of the plugged sight setscrew-capturing hole while the sight was removed.

Of additional potential benefit to some, I hereby discuss the "how-to" of arriving at the magnitude of a desired sight adjustment, and while I'm at it, document for the record that the RAMI's barrel length is not 3" (or 3.05" as advertised by CZ-USA). The measured barrel length, from rear face of chamber to front face of barrel, is 2.930" -almost 2mm shy of the 3" "Subcompact" designation. No wonder it's so concealable!

Sight Adjustment Formula
D=distance to target in inches (=yards*36 or feet*12);
C=correction (at target plane) necessary to center group, inches;
R=sight radius (back of rear sight to back of front sight), inches;
A=sight adjustment magnitude, inches; Diagram
For similar right triangles (same angle), the ratio between adjacent sides remains constant, i.e., C/D=A/R
To solve for adjustment magnitude A, multiply both sides of the equation by the same factor, namely R, so that R/R cancels to unity leaving A alone; A=R*C/D

I refinished the plugged setscrew hole a bit because the prior setscrew left a Brinell mark that would act to destabilize the newer location. Here's a cellphone through loupe closeup:

The sight's lateral location is repeatably measurable with dial calipers from a slide side face reference plane as established by a machinist's parallel C-clamped (using a cardboard pad to protect slide finish from C-clamp) flat against said slide side face.

The sight adjustment amount A is added (keeping common direction convention) to the pre-adjustment lateral location measurement to get a new target lateral location measurement. In the present case the new target location dimension turned out to be 0.178" which left the sight more centered visually than my prior "fine tuning" effort.

One last bit worth sharing: the sight setscrew is pretty tiny, with a 1.5mm hex socket. My Bondhus 1.5mm Allen wrench fit the setscrew with a bit more slop than I liked, which left me wondering if perhaps the slightly larger (1.5875mm) nominal size of a 1/16" Allen wrench might work. It worked splendidly, fitting snugly enough to require diligent wiggling to get to full depth engagement and then exhibiting zero slop, enabling full tightening with confidence vs. any risk of stripping flats.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 02:35:25 PM by PappaWheelie »
Member, Gun Owners of America
CC: CZ 2075 RAMI BD in PappaWheelie Invisible 15 Round RAMI Holster
Homeboy: CZ 97 BD, Underwood 45 Super 120 Grain Xtreme Defender ammo
UBG: CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical Urban Grey Suppressor-ready
-all w/ CGW Short Reset Kit/1485-T2 Disco, 5 "Thick" Trigger, polished SA tooth

Online MeatAxe

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Re: RAMI Continuous Improvement Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2018, 09:34:47 PM »

Here is what I would like to see as far as improvements in the Rami (which is already pretty bleeped good):

1. Front rail (like on the P-01) for mounting lights, lasers, etc.

2. Change the rear sight to a Novak cut dovetail so that Novak and Kensight, etc. fixed and adjustable sights can be used, which would give us a lot more choices (i.e. night sights) over those horrible Meprolites, which seem to be the only option right now. The Rami already utilizes a Novak cut front dovetail.

2.a. Equip the Rami with Trijicon or other quality night sights instead of those lousy Meprolite sights they've been using.

3. Get Crimson Trace to make laser grips for the Rami, as well as return to producing laser grips for the CZ75 and Compact models.

4. Chambered in .357 SIG -- of course, I would love to see that chambering across the board in all CZ75 type pistols.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2018, 03:07:35 AM by MeatAxe »

Offline dannyvi

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Re: RAMI Continuous Improvement Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2018, 01:31:32 PM »
Excellent suggestion! I also would not mind a polymer Rsmi with BD RESURRECTED! Please , no discussion on this alloy vs polymer subject! I have no objections to both!

Offline frogwalking

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Re: RAMI Continuous Improvement Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2018, 05:44:21 PM »
I don't like a rail or laser sight.  I just wish the gun was a little bit thinner.  A laser is great in low light conditions, but not good in bright sunlight. 

