I'm interested in this, as well. I seem to be having timing issues with my SP-01 Tac after installing the screws for the RRK (outlined here: http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=96900.0). I am totally perplexed, bc the gun was working totally fine before I installed the Pre and Over travel screws.
I'll take a guess at what happened. CGW are the real experts though. Please listen to them.
Your trigger moving rearwards lifts the firing pin block. At a certain height (and trigger position) the block moves out of the way enough to allow the firing pin to pass unobstructed.
There is some differences in tolerances in manufacturing so the block will move out of the way at different points in different guns.
I think you set your screws correctly... But that is designed just to affect travel.
Perhaps on your particular gun the block is no longer allowing the firing pin to pass because your trigger hasn't moved far back enough... Not enough to have the lifter move the firing pin block high enough.
A quick way to confirm :
Remove your firing pin and block. You will see peening or drag marks on the metal from shooting the gun with the timing being off.
You can so visually inspect from the back of the gun. Pull the trigger and you can see the lifter arm pushing the block upwards.
You can also check by doing what I originally posted with a qtip. You should feel resistance initially and then when the trigger lifts the block high enough, the firing pin will drop down another 1mm or so.
If this is the case, you can do a few things:
1. Buy a CGW extended firing pin and while you're in there put in the reduced firing pin block spring too. (and the CGW firing pin retaining pin)
2. Shave down the ledge in the firing pin block until the firing pin passes unobstructed. I've done this before and can give you some pointers if you'd like.
3. Call CGW and order up some additional parts like the race hammer, sear, firing pin etc and hope that that changes the timing back to normal... And as a byproduct you'll have a really nice gun.