Are into cheap rifles? I have three of the cheapest right now, the Mosin Nagant. One, my M38,(Babushka Thunderboomer!), is beautifully restored, counterbored and looks fantastic. With Wolf ammo, she can print a 3.5 inch group at 100 yards, and surplus gives me a 6 inch at 100 yards. I have two 91/30s, one, a 1943 wartime build, shows lots of corner cutting, rough finish, etc, non matching numbers, and cost a whole $80. It shoots to POA, and has the mysterious thing called character....if it could only talk....I'd have to learn Russian!
The last, a very nice 1920 Izzy hex reciever, needs the front sight drifted over - she shoots a foot left at 50 yards! But when she does get resighted in, another great and fun shooter, for $70!
If you want some cheap fun, try one out. Most come with a cleaning kit, (Russian surplus), bayonet and ammo pouch. A little high speed cleaning in the chamber, (drill chucked cleaning brush with 12 ga bore brush.), to eliminate microscopic cosmo helps, and throwing in the cheap surplus ammo, you can literally be set for shooting for $100 or less. Oh, BTW, if you get the M38 or M44 carbines, and you don't like heavy recoil....pick up a slip on recoil pad.....they do kick a bit.....