The RAMI and I tried IDPA again this Saturday. With the exception of the shooter with an AR who was DQ'd, no one was worse than I. Shooting wise, my accuracy was not terrible, picking off the steels with one-shot, no non-combat hits. I jumped up points by failing to engage fully (not enough hits), bad planning (leaving my spare mag on a table and having to go back and retrieve it in one stage). So timing was terrible. Only one procedural (taking on a target out of order). Still getting 10 points in a simply warm-up stage of standing, shooting four at the body and one at the head was ludicrous. Argg.
For grins, went ahead and ordered another 8-round mag for my PPS along with a mag carrier (that gives me 3x 8 rounders and one six rounder) and will give it a shot next time. At least I might be able to l lower my score a little bit. I have consistently shot the single stack PPS M1 better than other guns in my collection of semi-autos. Still better with revolvers, but don't even want to go down that road in match play. My 75B is another option.
Of course, as always, the RAMI did not fail me once. It goes bang when you pull the trigger.