I'm sorry, but this is not a matter of opinion. It's math. Look at the top 50 in the Limited Nationals. How many shot minor PF, and it wasn't because they ended up at 164.9PF at the chrono?
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It is a matter of opinion when you say no serious shooter will shoot 9mm.
Thats just your opinion, you don't know how serious anyone is, or the reason they do what they do.
Sure Math works out but math doesn't make you serious.
Your definition of a seriouos shooter appears to be someone who tries to win every match they enter and takes advantage of every thing at their disposal to achieve the win? That is a serious competitor in my book not a serious shooter.
Mine is some one who knows their equipment and their capabilities, Who shoots as often and as competitively as they can be with what they choose to use. Knows the rules, is completely safe and enjoys shooting enough to want to do it often.
Can you be both? Sure do you have to be one to be the other.......Nope no mater if 4>3