I have grey in my hair, been carrying a pistol for longer than I care to remember. Been in gun fights.
Used a single action pistol for years 1911 then Hi Power, transitioned to Glock, used all 3 platforms for real.
Time marches on, retired from working for government, now carry a gun as a contractor.
I have always admired the CZ 75, but had an attitude of why bother.
Then started hearing good things in some of the circles I travel in from former operators about CZ P07. Then the hero's entered the circle of knowledge, sound of trumpets Cajun Gun Works.
The double action on my P07 is so great, that it has forced me to rethink tactics.
I can hit accurate first shots double action out to 25 yards, from the holster. I have started to like both actions that CZ offers due to the slightly longer trigger pull of the double action for it's added safety for if you need point your pistol at somebody in the USA. For it greatly reduces the possibility of a stress press of the trigger by a less than dedicated shooter. But I always thought for longer shots, distance gives you a longer time frame to respond, so I have always thought at 25 and longer I can thumb cock the hammer for this longer shot.
With my CGW P07, this is no longer my thoughts. It is double action first shot for self defense no matter what the distance might be. The double action is just that great, smooth which matters more than the weight. But it is also a nice easy trigger pull.
The trigger pull is still enough in terms of distance of pull and weight that for very small children, if you set your pistol down it gives you an added degree of safety than a Glock.
So I am becoming so much more impressed with this platform, as I use it more. I wish I had this gun 25 years ago.