I have been trying to acquire a small, stainless, double action .22 revolver with a 4 inch barrel. The choice is very limited.
S&Ws are pricey and the only 4 inch they make is the 40oz 617. It's too big and expensive. Models like the 17 and 34 do not interest me as they are blued guns. The Model 63 is attracting silly money so they are out of the running.
Ruger have discontinued the .22 SP-101 and the few I see for sale are at premium prices.
Taurus have a good selection but their quality is still in question. You get a good 'un, you are good to go. You get a bad one and you can eat up another guns worth of shiiping the thing back and forth to Florida.
Come on CZ/Dan Wesson, fill this niche. A medium or small frame .22 seems to be a forgotten market. What worries me is that it may have been forgotten by gun buyers, and that is why I cannot get one.