I find it extraordinarily hard to believe that that's American made for $30. But maybe I'm wrong
You are of course, right. You know as well I do that $30.00 for a part like this can only happen from some place like China. I don't think will ITAR will allow this. Fines and penalties are quite stiff, if in fact this is the case.
My understanding is that this type of part is strictly prohibited from any Communist Block Country.
$30 would
maybe cover our machine time alone between the shoe itself and the safety. Never mind:
- american labor to qc the parts
- american labor to prep the parts for anodizing
- shipping to anodizing
- anodizing cost itself
- return shipping from anodizing
- american labor to assemble the safety and safety spring into the show
- american labor to package the trigger
- cost of packaging itself
- cost of material to make above mentioned safety and trigger show (oh - and american labor to saw and prep said material for machining)
- cost of above mentioned safety spring from a spring manufacturer
Then of course, we are in business to make money, so marking said product up to make a few dollars on it and arriving at $30....I just can't see it. lol