Author Topic: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764  (Read 9509 times)

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CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« on: October 07, 2018, 03:03:46 PM »

Achieved one of my many CZ-goals this week when I brought home a new Shadow Orange Custom and let me tell ya, this thing is in a class by itself.  I've owned a lot of really accurate 1911's and revolvers during the last 4 decades, shot in more bowling pin, steel plate and IHMSA matches than I care to remember and it takes something pretty extraordinary to blow my hair back these days.  This pistol managed to do that.

10 yards, S&B 124gr FMJ and Geco 124gr FMJ: 25 rounds each target

Because I only had two boxes of Geco and one box of S&B to function test with until my next bulk ammo order arrives, I decided to just get a feel for POI and started at 10 yards on silhouette targets.  It was almost too easy to keep them all in the red and my only excuses for the couple that didn't are too much coffee and too much adrenaline.  Besides having the best trigger I've ever felt on a CZ pistol, the slide-to-frame fit is so smooth that the noise you normally associate with racking a slide...just isn't there.  It's like butter.

Trying to hit that little green dot in the center at 10 yards proved to be a challenge that I scored about 50% hits on out of 20 rounds.  I'll take it for the first time out, though.  My initial impressions after 150 flawless rounds downrange is that I like it.  I like it more than my Shadow 2's.  The 7oz. weight difference is the big difference for me.  The SP-01 Shadow feels much better balanced overall than the Shadow 2, which feels front-heavy and unbalanced to me.  It also has that more familiar and comfortable CZ-75 grip angle that I'm so used to.  I love my Shadow 2's but, wow, where has this thing been all of my life?


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2018, 07:35:01 PM »
That is a real beauty!

Offline GTTom

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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2018, 07:45:20 PM »
Nice shooting!


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2018, 10:05:40 PM »
That is a real beauty!

Nice shooting!

Thanks!  It's one of the nicest handguns I've ever had the privilege of owning.  CZ Custom deserves all the credit for taking a good pistol to start with and making it just about as good as it can be made.  I can't imagine it getting much better. 


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2018, 09:19:55 PM »
Usually, I don't take a 9mm pistol to one of my club's bowling pin matches but, I was curious to see how the Shadow Orange would stand-up to the competition.  We have some very very good pin-shooters in our midst.  Guys who regularly shoot double-stack 1911's and Zev Glocks in .40 in the sub-4 second range.  None are shooting 9's and that's because there's no caliber distinction in Stock Centerfire Class.  The popular choice is .45 ACP with .40 S&W a very close second.  The pins are regulation-size, plastic-coated wood, the same kind you'd knockdown at your local bowling alley.  Five pins, distance: 25 feet.  Pins are stacked on frames, two on top and three on the bottom.  Pins must fall completely off the table to count.  It's a five second penalty if you knock one down but not completely off the table and a ten second penalty for a total miss.  Six relays total.

Well, of course I got my butt handed to me but, I still had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the match.  I was so jazzed to shoot the Shadow Orange that in three of my six relays I flip the thumb safety off before trying to take my first shot.  That was dumb.  When I did remember to take my safety off, though, I averaged 7.7 seconds.  Not bad but, not very competitive.  The load I was using (American Eagle 124gr FMJ) just didn't have enough oomph to take most pins completely off the table with one shot, requiring a follow-up shot to get the job done.  I took a total of 60 shots for six relays for an average of 10 shots per relay.  Not good but, still great fun.  Maybe I'll try the next match with some 147-grainers instead and practice flipping-off my thumb safety.       
« Last Edit: October 20, 2018, 09:24:25 PM by Stojanovich »

Offline dbarn

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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2018, 02:32:29 PM »
I've had an SP-01 for some time prior to obtaining a Shadow 2 and became use to the weight and overall feel of the frame. For some reason I could not get use to the Shadow 2. The more squared trigger guard seemed odd too.

For these reasons I sold my Shadow 2 and purchased the Shadow Orange SP-01. No question the accuracy is at least on par with the Shadow 2 and the ergonomics are what I'm familiar with. 


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2018, 10:22:10 PM »
I think I'm going to hang-on to my Shadow 2's for awhile!  I guess I'm too attached but I waited a long time to get my hands on one when two literally fell in my lap within a few weeks of each other.  Too much CZ mojo to bid them adieu so soon.

I agree, there's not a huge difference in accuracy using the same loads in both pistols.  Where the Shadow Orange 'beats' the Shadow 2 is on weight, balance, trigger and ergonomics familiarity.  It's for those reasons I like it more than the Shadow 2 but, for the money, the Shadow 2 beats just about anything out there in the $1000 price range.     


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2018, 08:35:12 PM »
Just returned from my fourth trip to the range with the Shadow Orange Custom and I can honestly say it's pretty badass.  I've had a couple of revolvers and 1911's that have come close but, none of them perform with the same degree of consistency that this thing does.  Doesn't seem to matter if it's either blue light special Magtech or my go-to Sellier & Bellot 124gr, this pistol just doesn't care about what its fed.

No, the greatest challenge seems to be maintaining composure.  I tend to get carried away and make faster follow-up shots than I should, resulting in some egregious flyers at times.  It's a bad habit I freely admit and this gun only exacerbates it.  The trigger is on the same level of crispness as any Colt revolver I've either owned or currently own.  All other consideration aside, though, the CZ Custom trigger work is really what makes the Shadow Orange the competition-ready pistol it is straight out of the box.

Last Saturday morning I took it to a bowling pin match where neither one of us stood much of a chance going against .45's and .40's being shot by shooters who do it (well) on a regular basis but, I kinda knew that going-in.  I've never been able to do well with factory 124gr FMJ and this match would be no exception.  Plus, I made some truly boneheaded mistakes because I was overly-jazzed, shooting a new pistol for only the third time and not wanting to look like a total dork.  In two of the six relays, though, I forgot to flip my thumb safety off before trying to take my first shot.  LOL  So much for not looking like a dork. 

124gr 9mm just doesn't have enough 'oomph' to take the pins completely off the table on a consistent basis unless they're hit just right, which isn't easy to do when shooting against the clock.  I focus more on time than accuracy in a pin match because, with a .45, all it needs to do is nick a pin to send it flying 10 feet off the table.  It's also no coincidence that the club's champion shoots sub-4 second relays with a Glock in .40 using his own reloads so my expectations were realistic under these circumstances. Opinions may vary but, an 11.57 second average for my low-3 relay average wasn't all that 'stanky' considering that the 59 total rounds fired, I averaged two shots for every pin for a grand total of 30 pins for six relays.  I had no time penalties for either missing a pin or leaving one on the table.  I'd like to think if that table was a bit shallower/thinner and it only took one shot per pin, my average would've been under six seconds.

Still, I had a great time and was not disappointed with how the Shadow Orange performed.  Pins may not be its best game but, it never missed all day.  Not even once.


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2018, 07:12:21 PM »
Back at it again this morning.  This time, 15 yarders and some new-to-me Fiocchi 147gr FMJ with a box of Federal/AE 124gr FMJ for comparison purposes. Fitty rounds each.

Finally got a lane just bright enough to get the FO front sight glowing and I tore it up with the Federal.  OTOH, the Fiocchi had me wondering WTF a couple of times.  It wanted to print about 2" higher than the 124gr but, overall, I think it'll work OK on bowling pins at 25 feet.  What remains to be seen is if their little bit of extra weight will be enough to get the job done.


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25 Yards
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2019, 05:58:51 AM »

Realized I hadn't updated this thread in awhile but, I haven't had much luck getting out to the range during the last few months.  Work has been busier than expected (not a bad thing), weather has been less than cooperative and my main focus has been on helping my wife survive stage 4 colon and liver cancer (she's doing great!) so when it hit almost 62 degrees here in MD yesterday, I couldn't resist the urge to take the Shadow Orange (and a couple of other new handguns) out for some exercise.   

Now that I'm thoroughly convinced that this thing is capable of incredibly tight groups in the 10-15 yard range, I decided to concentrate my efforts on distances of 25+ yards.  Not that I'll ever shoot that far in most of my pistol matches, it just feels like it's more of a challenge with this particular CZ...and hopefully it'll make those pins and steel targets easier to hit at closer ranges, at least, that's my logic.

Sellier & Bellot 124gr FMJ seems to always shoot the best in this pistol.  Magtech, WWB NATO, and Geco 124gr are very close but S&B is the most consistent in terms of accuracy.  Plus, it either generates less recoil or just feels like it does compared to those other brands.  The difference is subtle but perceptible and your mileage may vary.     

I used the smaller, white-outlined targets at the bottom to warm-up and get a feel for POI before engaging the larger green-background targets above.  25 rounds each.  Standing, two hand, unsupported: just having some fun, nothing all that serious.  It just felt great to get out after being cooped-up for the last 3 months and the last thing I wanted to do was serious 'work' at the range.

The difference between shooting the Shadow Orange at an indoor range versus an outdoor range is literally like night and day.  Outdoors, the FO front sight glows like a neon sign at night.  Indoors, Im lucky to see it at all.  I think I did OK and will definitely improve with more practice.  The pistol is much better than the shooter!  ;)       

Offline Rmach

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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2019, 10:13:09 AM »
Looks like a winner!  Thanks for the update.

Offline MFI

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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2019, 07:42:17 AM »
Nice..I can't wait to try my Shadow 2 on steel.

Offline hodge

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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2019, 06:28:39 PM »
Finally got to hold a Shadow Orange, today. No doubt, it's on my want list. But, not at my LGS price- $1999.99.


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2019, 01:34:56 PM »
Isn't static shooting at 10-15 yards boooring?


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Re: CZ SP-01 Shadow Orange Custom Sku #91764
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2019, 02:08:33 PM »

Finally got to hold a Shadow Orange, today. No doubt, it's on my want list. But, not at my LGS price- $1999.99.

Look around a little more?  I've seen them between $1700-1750 on GB every now and then.

Isn't static shooting at 10-15 yards boooring?

It is but, I like using that distance as a baseline for testing the accuracy of various factory loads since I don't reload 9mm.  This pistol is used mostly for steel matches at my local club and it's a lot of fun.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 02:13:16 PM by Stojanovich »