Author Topic: My thoughts on P-01 99041 and 91197  (Read 1223 times)

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Offline Chicago Dude

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My thoughts on P-01 99041 and 91197
« on: October 07, 2018, 03:59:32 PM »
Last January I was lucky to buy P-01 all steel 99041.
Member on this forum (Eastman) was good enough to help me install lighter spring, extended pin and new sights.
I just love shooting this gun. Very solid feel, and probably because the weight, shoots so smooth.
For the longest time I wanted to buy Sig 229 Legion, but when I learned that it's heavier than 99041, I gave up on that idea.
I do have PCR for my carry gun, but after learning about the weight of that Sig, and knowing that there are lot's of people carrying Sig, I figured I may as well start carrying my 99041.
Went on vacation to Greece and came back (broke) last week.
Got on the Forum and what do I see ? New polished P-01 is the buzz all over the forum. That was yesterday.
Bad timing financially for me (right after vacation). But I had to do something about it - given how much I like 99041.
Called the guy (Jeff) at TechNet Armory, who sold me the 99041, and he said he has two of the new polished ones (91197) left. He was asking $ 870 for one, telling me that he sold some at GunBroker for $950. I asked him for lower price and he sold me the gun for $850 including shipping. It may be few bucks more than when they showed up few days ago, but given for how much they go on GunBroker, and given how much I love my 99041 - that was fine with me.
Overall, I am one happy camper that I purchased this gun, and I am looking forward not only to shoot this gun but to carry it as well.
FYI : Jeff also told me that he has few of the 99041. I didn't ask about the price, but I would imagine it's less than polished ones.