Last one. Gee. I've said that about AR15's, CZ pistols, dogs, etc.
Hope that works out for you....
That last question is a tough one. Most people know about the 1911, the Auto 5.
The Ithaca M37 is a non-Winchester/Browning shot gun (the ones that get most of the attention) that he designed. There is also a little 20 ga (only made in 20 ga) Remington pump that is made like a M37 but is older. Remington was making those pumps in 20 ga. and Ithaca didn't start making the M37's till Remington stopped making the 20 ga. I think they called it a M17??? Kind of rare, but a nice light little 20 ga. for quail/woodcock hunters or even rabbits/squirrels.
Make it something not just "run of the mill." Special gun for a special son. You know.
The M17 Remington. Or a 16 ga. Auto 5. Or 16 ga. M37 Ithaca. Did you know Remington also made the little breakdown .22 semi auto rifle? I think they called it a M24 (not sure these days). I (just once) saw one of those in .22 short only. Only rifle I've ever seen chambered for .22 shorts only. I was buying my Win. M97 at the time and didn't have the money right then. When I went back it was gone. Would have been a neat rifle for my dad (who loved to squirrel hunt with .22 shorts).
Raise him right. Teach him the rights stuff. He'll make you proud.