I bought a Forster way back there in the early 80's. Finally wore out the cutter head a few years back. While I was trying to find a new cutter head for it I bought a couple of the Lee trimmers you can turn by hand or with a battery operated drill.
I bought more of the Lee units.
I finally found a Forster cutter head, ordered it, and installed it. Tried to use it to work on the .300 BO brass and found it won't go that short. Tried to move the top parts on the base (they have screw holes that look like they'd allow that) and after 30 years I couldn't get the screws loose with just a screw driver. Gave up and got a Lee .300 BO trimmer. Still using the various Lee trimmers/parts.
I will say the Lee cutter heads don't last very long. I "use one up" on .223 and then write ".30 cal." on it and drop it in the spare parts box for use on the .308 and .30-06.
Also, though it may not be enough to matter, you will see a slight difference in length if you change, for example, from one .223 pilot to a different .223 pilot. I noticed it early on when I was switching back and forth trying to keep from getting them too hot and possibly shortening the life of the cutter head.