Hiya, the guardian,and thx for your thread. I did check both cz use and the europe sites to also,as you have confirm that cz says the kit is not to be used on the phantom platform. I'm surprised tho as the kit ran on my shadow sp-01, certainly a pretty similar platform. Maybe a free call to cz-usa and chat with a smith,their answer may well put the issue to rest. For more reads on the subject here at the forum search member "WildRice" and a april 2009 post "Kadet kit on the polymer spo1 Phantom,or google the thread if search dosent pop it up. General common sense dictates believing cz has good reason to make its recommendation and I'm guessing they would not be at liberty to discuss any pending related legal issues. You can buy a plinker for the 400 plus cost of the kit anyways. Cheers.
Hiya to mustang8650 welcome to the forum, and generally notice 5 guests to 1 member when I visit our community so am glad ya hopped in finally. Do have to say that when ones initial post voices awareness of cz insisting the Kadet not be used on the Phantom and writing your range report of how it did for 30rds, one or three forum members might frown on your effort to educate. Kinda like seeing the speed limit of 75mph but posting your Facebook video of driving 140mph on some deserted stretch. Just because something bad didn't happen,does not mean it could not have happened. Cheers. Be well.