Okay, that makes a lot of sense, especially if you've ever looked at a powder burn rate chart. But it begs the question, if it's so unreliable, how have so many reloaders loaded so many rounds without a chronograph, and with never a kaboom? And to take it even a step farther, I've seen many posts by (allegedly) long time reloaders claiming chronos are totally unnecessary.
Dave -
You simply have not through this all the way through, my friend.
? What is the most popular pistol sold ? Glock owns the greatest percentage of the US pistol market. How does the Glock chamber differ from the CZ ? The Glock pistol gives
VERY generous clearances on every aspect of the cartridge interface. That means that Glock owners
never, ever need to reduce their OAL to get a cartridge to fit their chambers.
? When do you need a chrono ?You only need a chrono when you are forced to reduce your cartridge OAL due to bullet-to-rifling interference. In ALL cases, it's the gun's barrel that determines the Max OAL. So if your barrel
never tells you to reduce your OAL, then you
won't ever need a chrono.
I've seen many posts by (allegedly) long time reloaders claiming chronos are totally unnecessary.
This is a TRUE statement....
for about 60% of US pistol owners. Unfortunately you don't fall in that 60%.
? Why is the Glock chamber so generously proportioned ?Because Glock's "claim to fame" is the pistol is utterly reliable and
fires every time. Even if you retrieve a mag from a mud puddle in the middle of a fire fight, the mag will lock into the gun and all rounds will fire.
Glock markets their gun mainly to police agencies. In law enforcement it is much more important that the shooter be able to return fire, than it is that he/she actually hit something. Glocks #1 standing in the US market is totally built on RELIABILITY. At one time they even had a video of the gun being fired under water !! So the word "accuracy" never enters into the lexicon of the Glock owner, without the words "Lone Wolf" entering too.
So 'yes', any round will fit in the Glock chamber and fire. So 60% of the pistol owners in the US simply follow the load recipe verbatim and their ammo works just fine. Why then would they need a chrono ?
? Hint: If you'll focus your internet reading on CZ and Springfield XD/XM series guns, and away from generic, highly generalized reloading forums, you'll be a lot better off.
Hope this helps.

Here's some backup information in support of my assertion.