I have both a CZ P10C and a Glock G45 (new G45 9mm, not a 45ACP). Both are 100% stock and both have approximately the same round count.
As far as trigger pull weight, they are close, but the CZ edges out the Glock. CZ avg of 3 pulls--4lb 15 oz Glock avg of 3 pulls--5lb 2oz
Both triggers are very similar. Take up on both is approximately 1/4" travel, reset about the same, the reset is very noticeable and audible on each with the Glock a bit louder, but the CZ breaks crisper with little or no creep. The Glock has a quite a bit of creep in the trigger.
Like I said, both are very similar and both are, IMO, more than acceptable for a carry weapon, but I feel the CZ has a better trigger than the Glock G45.
I know you didn't ask about overall feel, but for me anyway, the CZ is simply more comfortable in the hand and easier to shoot. I shoot the CZ more accurately than I do the Glock.