Hiya and thanks for your, how to carry thread, great advice and heated conversations. Some trial and error and you shall find a carry that works perfect for you,and prolly make adjustments to equipment and situations. For my two cents to add, my first cz was my range and primary carry. A omega PO-2, in 2011, it came from factory with ambi decocker,,and the type that ya pushed down to decock. Also included was ambi manual safety,leaving it to owner the choice. In training , preferred the pull and shoot vs pull disengage manual safety and pull. A few years later cz custom offered a trigger work,reset package,and Stu corrected the factories trigger shortcomings of the omegas. Did own a tactical PO-1 but didn't like its decocker as it was small and needed to be pushed up to work, unnatural motion I thought. All my range guns are manuel safety, LS,TS,Checkmate and every so often feel like a duffous when lined up for a shot and pull,finding the safety still on. Using a decocker on your carry,prevents that maybe becoming your last oops. Be well.