I'm gonna say YES, the way that casing looks, that is what cause the gun to lock up. The brass expands in the chamber from the pressure of the powder igniting, even from just the primer. Those burrs (and calling them burrs is being nice, those things are nasty) would definitely dig into the chamber and lock things up TIGHT.
If you plan on making more rounds with wax projectiles, do yourself a favor. Either shoot the factory loaded ammo at the range and then run them through your cleaning and resizing and priming process, or buy a bullet puller. Don't use two pairs of pliers ever again, PLEASE.
I would also suggest reading some reloading books and manuals, and studying the information collected on this forum, because it seems to me you may be shooting from the hip a bit here with the reloading deal, and that could turn out to be disaster. Every time you pull the trigger on a firearm, you are setting off a little explosion just inches from your hands, and your face, things which you may want to keep in good condition for a little while.
If I am wrong about your experience level, forgive me. I just don't want to see you get hurt.