The 82/83 is easy to decock safely. I put my thumb up over the hammer with my thumbnail firmly against the end of slide, blocking the firing pin. Then I press the trigger to release the hammer onto my thumb. Then immediately release the trigger, which activates the rebounding hammer safety, at which point I slowly withdraw my thumb allowing the hammer to come to rest in its Condition 2 position. With your finger off the trigger and the rebounding hammer safety activated, even if you drop the hammer suddenly while withdrawing your thumb the hammer will not/cannot strike the firing pin.
Note, however, that the 82/83 is somewhat unsafe to carry in Condition 2, as it is not entirely drop safe. With the hammer down a sudden drop with the muzzle up can and has resulted in a negligent discharge. You can determine this is possible by doing a press check with the pistol in Condition 2 -- you. an move the slide back just far enough for the lowered hammer to slightly depress the firing pin. In a drop with unfortunate orientation, such slight depression has occurred with enough force to ignite the primer in a chambered round.