I couldn't find the list I made years ago. Had to make up another, so this list may not be as complete as the older one. Your corrections and suggestions sought.....
GenesisOn the eight day there was brass left after shooting. And Eve said, "You're messing up The Garden by leaving this brass everywhere." And Adam said, "I should recycle this brass by refilling the spent components." And God said, "This is good." Ever since then it's been necessary to have new or spent brass to reload. Good, usable brass is the basis for every reloading story. Go ye and do likewise.
Consumable Components? Bullets (of the correct weight, type and caliber)
? Powder (of the correct type and in sufficient quantity)
? Boxer Primers (of the correct type and in sufficient quantity)
Basic Equipment? Press (to hold the dies and force the case to re-form)
? Dies (a die set for each particular caliber)
? Shell Holder (to hold the head of the case securely, sometimes included with the dies)
? Manual (a good quality reloading manual with instructions and load data)
? Reloading Notebook (used to record load data and results)
? Bench (sturdy table or workbench for press mounting)
Powder Dispensing? Scale (to weigh the powder)
? Powder Measure (to make dispensing powder easier, faster, and safer)
Physical Measurement? 6" Handheld Caliper (nice digital units for $12 from Harbor Freight)
? 0-1" Micrometer (often nice to have for more precise measurements)
Additional for Rifle? Case Trimmer (used to cut rifle cases back down to proper length)
? Case Lube (lubricant to make case sizing manageable)
Nice AccessoriesSome accessories ease the process and usually speed things up, some simply help make a prettier product. Not necessary to start, but at some point in your reloading career you'll say to yourself, "Dang, I wish I had..."
? Kinetic hammer or "Bullet Puller" (helps to unload assembled rounds)
? Case cleaning equipment, such as a rotary tumbler
? Extra reloading lamps, either overhead, bench, or press-mounted
? Check Weights (to verify any digital powder scale readings)
? Loading Block(s) (to organize the cases for powder dispensing)
? Plastic buckets and cans (to organize the cases during the reloading process)
? Case Prep Tools (to deburr cases after being trimmed and help clean primer pockets)
? Plastic Ammo Boxes (to organize and store finished rounds)