Well, receiver the "Freedom Fuel" (Gift) Card yesterday
It was for the third (of four) rebate app(s) I sent-in to the "Outdoor Brands Promotion Center" (in mid February)
https://promotions.vistaoutdoor.com/Still waiting on the two for the "Black Friday" promotion
Both submitted in late November / early December
The first one was lost in the mail (late February) and the Card needed to be replaced (easy enough, but another / longer wait)
"We need to see if the Card gets 'activated' first" ( that took two weeks ! )
"We'll send you out a replacement Card, but that takes two to three weeks to process"
So (maybe) five week from the time I notified them of the missing Card, I'll see that Rebate
Now, the other one of the "Black Friday" deals wasn't approved until early March ( for some reason ? )
And the last of the four I've submitted (thus-far) was approved mid March; so I'm not sweating that one .... yet !
Good luck Guys
The Rebates do / will make the per-round cost VERY NICE !