Thanks. No rest, but I cheated by using two hands. Maybe had a good night. I'm just a club bullseye shooter. We have informal club matches on winter saturdays at 25 yards. I don't have an NRA ranking in pistol. I do OK, 90 +/- four points. I mostly do NRA/CMP High Power (rifle, haven't been able to make master yet) with a space gun and when I have time, I go to the indoor pistol range after matches or I sneak off at night. Rifle competitors say pistol messes up one's off hand scores - causes pulling down slightly when breaking the shot. Anyway, I'm not really good at either one, not like other people are.
My point is it's all the CZ. There is something just right about the Shadow. There's something about the ergonomics. That was the best target, but the others were all pretty much the same. (Think I need to come up a click or two.) Previously, the only thing I could shoot well is a 1911, but I have a full custom 1911 in 9mm and I shoot this better first day out of the box. This really helps me get it right. The weight helps keep the muzzle steady before I can screw up the shot and so do those full length rails. This is a terrific design.
Don't know anything about move and shoot. I guess I would have fun shooting USPSA/IDPA, but I might get DQ'ed all the time - so many rules to remember. I'll have to ask some friends to take me to matches.