My first CZ. Saw it for sale (used) at my LGS. I went and looked at it and fell in love haha. I was thinking about going from my 1st gen M&P 9c to a 2.0 for carry. I have absolutely no complaints about my 9c. I just thought about carrying something with a bit more capacity.
I never considered a hammer fired carry gun. But this P07 is sweet. And the decocker was a big selling point. So, long story short, I brought it home. $335 OTD. I have no idea if I got a good deal or not. I couldn't find anything else to compare it to. Can't wait to shoot it. Not sure I will end up carrying it, but I'm sure I'll like it.
And I think it was supposed to come with an optional safety to replace the decocker? That's ok, though. I'd rather have a decocker.

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