Hiya Michigan Man and thanks for your thread,and you know we love pics,even when they show a issue. Very glad that you made your way to your first cz,hope its one of many more,but I admit that I kinda don't trust a gun when its new outta the box and experience stoppages first time out. I have heard that something like half a dozen out of 15,000 ads is acceptable,so hope that means the next 14,500 will be flawless.
Guess new to you may not be new as in original owner, please consider letting the cz-usa warranty fix the issue and there toll free number is on the site,just ask to be directed to a smith,or warranty dept. I've even heard that non original owners had issues fixed free,up to new gun replacement,but ya need to reach out to them.
I think ,without a pick, your description is ok,and describes a ejector issue,as its working in concert with the slides action and improperly grabbing onto the rim of your rounds case,causing the round to point towards the heavens in each of the four stoppages.
If you described the round pointing towards the front of the gun, I'd lean towards the magazine as the issue,and this might involve adjustment to the width towards the tip,or adjustment of the width towards the rear of the round,or both. I'd caused such a stoppage when not taking care to keep different mags separate, i.e. po-1,po2,sp-01 vs tactical sport,CMate.
Since you used factory ammo,it ruled it out verses FTF with reloads and HP being culprits.
Just to confuse things, I've also had a spend round point to the heavens like your un spend round,and this often was a result of a limp waisted shot,some call a stovepipe. But have also had a limp waisted FTF where one unspent round is on top of another,stuck in the slide pointing forward. So I'd hold off replacing parts and getting out the pliers for now. Maybe another good cleaning if yours was factory new,may have had some extra heavy lube,some material landed where it didn't belong or such. Using your fancy cz scrub brush little extra attention to the ejector area and wish ya luck. Be well.